rod trip w sambucky

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"les go on rod trip" sami says to his frend.

"ok" said winter salami. winter salami got into Jeep and started it. "vroom vroom" Jeep said loudly.

"shut up" buckle said to jeep. jeep went quiet.

sam frowned at his frend. he made jeepe sad. and if jep sad, Sam and winter salami can not go on road trout. "hey" sam said.

"hello" said bucky.

"no don't say hello 2 me bc u make jeepe sad."


"winter sausage u have to apologize." sam pointed at the jeep, watchin as the sadness tears fell out of jeeps headlights silently. buckle looked too, and felt guilty. if he make jeepe happy, den they can go on trip again.

"hi jeepe, i'm sorry dat i yelled at u. i want 2 be frends & we go on rod trip 2 get beef jerky and make a funnel out of dem for us 2 pour our liquor into and drink out of :( pls forgive so we can crack open cold one w boys. you wanna be boys too?"

jeepe sniffled. "yes"

"ok" sami said, smiling at winter salami. sami got into da car and put his seatbelt on, petting the buckle and giving it a little kissy. "ok jeepe broom broom!"

jeepe winked. "you mean VROOM VROOM!"

winter salami grunted. "don't push it"

"ok sorry fuk" jeepe said, rolling them all out of the driveway and down da road 2 start da funny trip.

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