Chapter one: What ifs and a transfer

Start from the beginning

"I know! It's gonna be so much fun! I hear they have the best pizza! and pizza is great for parties! which we're gonna have so many of them like slumber parties, costume parties- " an exciting hyper voice said, listing all the parties they could plan. This girl had hot pink curly hair and bubbly blue eyes. a tube dress, the top was white with purple lining and a pink heart, A purple ribbon belt, the skirt was pink with blue and yellow balloons on its side. A sky blue shrug over her shoulders, blue boots with white laces and pink bows, and matching blue bracelets. around her neck was a hot pink geode necklace. This was pinkie pie.

Sunset watched as her friends chatted with each other about the exchange program with New york. Her friends wanted to go and she wanted to as well but what if something bad happens? What if the magic from Equestria comes back? What if the sirens come back and they're not there?

millions of what-if situations went through her head. "I uh-" she started, catching her friend's attention. " I still gotta think about it. the deadline is next Wednesday right?"

Applejack frowned but nodded. "yeah at lunch."

Sunset faked a smile. "perfect! I should have a decision before then. I gotta get to my locker and grab my algebra textbook. see you, girls, at practice kay?" she said, pointing behind her and quickly making her exit.

Sunset's friends watched as she walked away. Some with confusion, others with understanding. twilight sighed before looking at her friends. "we all know we're not going without her right?"

her friends nodded. That went without saying right? The trip wouldn't be the same without her and it wouldn't feel right. especially with all that happened in the past year.

"Still hasn't made A decision yet has she?" A new voice asked as another girl walked up to the group. The girl had long violet hair with light blue streaks A purple beanie with white stars on it, and pastel purple eyes popped against the purplish-pink eye shadow she had on. She wore a loose v-neck teal shirt over a tighter light purple v-neck. Over it was a black leather vest, gray ripped jeans with gray heeled boots with purple straps. This is Starlight glimmer.

"Still nothing and it's been three weeks since the announcement." Rainbow dash said, crossing her arms in annoyance. "We've been trying to convince her to go and all she says is, 'I'll think about it.' 'i'll think about it' ''Rainbow said the last part in a crude imitation of Sunset's voice while making exaggerated 'am thinking' motions before letting out a groan. " I just want A solid answer by now, yes or no by now!"

Applejack gives her friends a look before letting out a sigh " Now while I wouldn't exactly put it like Rainbow... she's got a point, we can never get A straight answer out of the girl."

Rarity nods. "Well We can't force her right now but we'll try to get her to answer later, for now, club hours Start right about. ''She looks at her phone's clock and waits for it to go from 12:59 to 1:00. "now. see you, girls, later. Fashion club calls for me." she said in a sing-song voice before walking off.

The rest of the girls walked off to their respective clubs after saying their goodbyes, Starlight keeping her eyes on the hallway that Sunset Shimmer went down.


The purple and teal-haired girl jumped a bit only to turn to Twilight who raised an eyebrow. "You coming I thought you were coming with me to physics club. It's kite day." She remained, remembering how her new friend REALLY liked kites.

"Oh uh am gonna go check on Sunset real quick you go on without me!" was all the Young princess's students said before running off to find Sunset, accidentally bumping into Vice-principal Luna. "Oops! sorry, princess- I mean Vice-principal luna!" she apologized before running down the hall again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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