Adventure Time OC: Isrrael The Universal Wizard

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Adventure Time OC: Isrrael The Universal Wizard

Adventure Time OC:

Name: Isrrael The Universal Wizard

Nicknames: n/a

Sex: Male

Age: 1000+

Physical Age: 27

Species: Human (formerly)

Deity/Wizard hybrid

Place of Origin: Unknown

Current Residence: On A Mountain (Which Is In Reality His House With Mountain Shape By Its Magic) Near The Wizard City

Occupation: Hero/Blacksmith/Guardian of Space/Time (Named for Itself)

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Birthday: 11 of September

Relationship Status: Open and Dangerous

Relatives: Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Father

Friends: None

Enemies: None

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 120 lbs

Body Type: Trapezoid

Basic Biography: Isrrael is a hero, adventurer and the most powerful wizard of Ooo! He is a blacksmith who makes weapons and magical objects with the materials he collects from Ooo or in his trips to other universes, he makes songs with his guitar as a hobby, he also autonomizes himself as guardian of time and space by having control over them! is a collector has many things that he finds in his house hidden like a mountain near a mountain range! He is also a historian he knows how to change Ooo since the end of the mushroom war to today!

Personal information:


Control/Manipulation of Time, Space and Universal: ability to control, manipulate, distort time, space and everything related to the universe itself!

Elemental control: (water its states, earth, air, fire)

Power of mana: ability to control pure magic in the form of ranged attacks!

Change of Form, Appearance and Transformation: ability to change totally or partially their physical appearance to take forms of animals, objects and people!

Psychic and Telepathic Powers: everything about that!

Immortality: ability to live forever without needing anything!

Healing Powers: ability to heal or regenerate! and heal others!

To live in space: live in space indefinitely!

Fuse: He has the ability to merge with one or more living beings!

Immunity: it does not suffer change to any magical and biological case!

Multiverse Deity Mode: been able to use all their power!

Learn Any Magic Power


kind, affectionate, gentlemanly, fun, relaxed, distant, changing, warm, cold, serious, curious, happy, sad, surprised, supportive, frustrated, annoying, coquettish, nice.

Complete Biography:

Coming soon


surfing, guitar, blacksmithing, adventures, games, parties, meetings, exports, festivities, arts, books, singing, appointments.


People+ His Past-

Music+ Bad-

To learn+





Additional Information:

- He likes games of all kinds.

- He is very curious and would do almost anything to know more.

- He likes to fight equally to his opponent or enemy.

- Collect various objects and materials from your trips to other universes.

- sometimes falls in love very easily.

- He always talks about pre-war mushroom stuff.

- He does not talk about his dark times.

- knows how to play the guitar.

- knows how to suffer.

- loves to help others.

- He likes to meet new people.

- He always has the same nightmare when he sleeps.

- He has collections of various things that he looks for all over Ooo and beyond.









His Profile:

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