Chapter 1 | First Meeting

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𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓡𝓲𝓷 & 𝓞𝓫𝓲𝓽𝓸~

The sun was shining releasing a warm vibe along with the blue sky with some fluffy clouds floating around. It was a quiet-

"Ooooooh it's such a beautiful morning!" Well an almost quiet morning.

"Obito its still to early for you to be yelling" groaned a brown haired male who was still waking up

"Ahhhh Rin-kun your no fun" pouted a girl with jet black hair that went down to her waist

"Hmm" was the males response to the loud girl. At the guys response the girls face went red

"Rin-Kun is that how you treat your FanGirls at school!!!" Yelled to red faced girl who was blowing steam out her ears.

Rin "kun" raised and amused eyebrow at his childhood friend action and responded with "Those 'girls' you speak of are not human, they are she-devils"

"Well at least acknowledge them when they speak to you Rin 'chan'" obito said with a pout face still red from her little outburst just a seconds ago

He let out an amused chuckle before talking "no girl has caught my attention  if your wondering" the girl was sputtering excuses that she wasn't interested in his 'boring' love life before admitting she was curious
"I know but I can't help but be curious" the girl said. Rin thought for a moment before giving an answer "well if I do find someone I'm interested in I'll tell you first ok?" The guy said with a cheerful smile. I mean who wouldn't tell their best friend who you've known since child birth who was loyal and been by your side!

The girl smiled at him "ok, and if I find someone interesting then I'll tell you first to!" They crossed their pinky's as they sealed their promise

As the two students walked to their school in comfortable silence wondering what kind of homework they would have that day and if they should be sad or happy...most likely sad

"Hey obito" Rin said as he broke the silence that hung around them like a blanket "yea?" obito said still looking ahead of herself "after school we should go eat some ramen-"

Everything went in slow motion for rin as he slowly fell closer, and closer to the ground


He opened his eyes to see he was closer to the concrete ground and he was on top of a small slim body
'I'm on top of someone' he thought but it took a while for him to realize it

His eyes went wide and immediately got off the body he ran into "I-I'm so sorry I d-didn't see you" Rin yelled but stopped as he looked at the person

His breath hitched as he looked at the person, rin could swear he heard his heat beat in his chest as he looked at the women he fell on

She was beautiful, she had long silver hair that went to her waist and a slim body with curves and a pretty face which had a slight blush on it

"I-I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was walking...a-are you ok?" She asked frantically as she got up

"I-um yea I'm, fine are you alright?" He asked sort of in a daze. He could see obito's amused expression at him but he ignored it much to obito's amusement again

"I-uh yea I'm alright sorry I bumped into you" the girl said looking like she was in a hurry "I'm sorry but I'm in a rush maybe we'll see each other again" the new girl said looking into rins eyes

"Yea maybe, we'll see ya!" With that being said Rin dashed off towards their destination with obito close behind him
"Hmmm is that a blush I see in your face Rin 'chan'!" Chirped obito with amusement in her eyes "Shut up obito" Rin said darkly hoping to scare her but only earned a chuckle

At school

Rin sat at his desk in the front of the class next to the window waiting for his classmates to come. He tried to focus on obito's conversation she was having with their friends but he would see a flash of silver hair and he could feel his face heat up.

"What's wrong with you?" Asked a man with light blue eyes and dark blue eyes who's name was Keito and was his best male friend "aaaahhh he bumped into a girl while on our way here and he's become a blushing mess since then!" Sang the girl who he called his friend.

Rin sent her a betrayed look which she just ignored. He earned a few amused chuckles from the class and angry looks from his 'fangirls'

"Ahhh is it true Rin-Kun?" Was a voice which had curiosity in it "n-not it's not Minato-Sensei" he yelled but broke back into his blushing phase and finally admitted he kinda liked the girl.

After embarrassing Rin who was as red as a tomato by now Minato resumed class "ok class tomorrow we are getting a new student" he had the classes attention now.
Immediately the man was hit with a million questions which he ignored with years of practice.

'Could it be her' was what Rin thought but immediately ruled that out. He couldn't be that lucky, right?

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