" Remember, Margret told us each dimension is made from a negative emotion so, which ever dimension we go through, we will have to face it head on, with a positive emotion." Nanako instructed. "It's the only logical plan we have."

"Don't forget, there is an artifact we need to get, don't break it." Marie added.

They turned around to face the vortex, and took a step inside. Going through felt like riding a fast-paced rollercoaster at an amusement park. Gasping for breath was hard, vision would be blinded by color bars of a static TV screen, and entering the other side felt as if you woke up from a nightmare, sweating all over. The area had no light to lead the way. Darkness was spread across the landscape, but it appeared as if they were back at Inaba. There was no hesitation with their instincts, they went into the home that would resemble Nanako's residential neighbourhood. The room was empty, the walls were gathering the hollow aura, concealing it inside the building. The only light that seemed to be illuminated was the flickering static of the TV screen. There laid a man slouching on the couch, with a remote in his hands. Glass bottles were scattered about, a child stood beside him dressed in the clothing of a maiden.

"It reeks of booze." Minako commented, looking over at Nanako who pinched her own nose.

"Actually, it's sake but whatever." Adachi seemed to be fine with the smell of the alcohol, especially considering the fact the he occasionally drank. He then took a closer look at the slouched man. "Isn't that Dojima?"

And so it was Dojima, half-passed out because he overdosed. But then, who was the child? The answer was soon given by the question of curiosity by Teddie.

"Nana-chan, that's you right? That's you when Senpai first came to Inaba. You were 6? 7? Why are you a maid?"

"I-I dunno." she said, finally letting go of her nose. She knew she couldn't hold onto it for long since her hand would be sore, no matter, she let out a sigh. "We should get closer."

They walked closer, analyzing the scene. It was already quite frightening to look at their expressionless faces. The maiden was as still as the moon gleaming at its highest peak, the drunkard could only moan.

"Nanako, get me another drink." he demanded.

She nodded without a word and headed into the kitchen. As she walked, she didn't seem to have a care in the world about the safety hazards around her. She stepped through glass and let her foot bleed, she occasionally banged her head on the cupboards but didn't make a sound. Was she even breathing? No one knew, but yes she was breathing. She handed the bottle over to her father and returned to her former position. Once chugging another bottle, he gave out a shameless burp.

"Go away Nanako, to your room and don't come back."

She bowed obediently. "Yes father."

She walked upstairs slowly, leaving her father to stare at the empty television screen. Everyone looked at one another and exchanged glances., following the maiden to her room. The room was just as empty, it contained only a bed with a side table. Nothing more, nothing less. The fluorescent light bulb failed to keep its glow, it flickered every second. The maiden's back faced the entrance, and everyone who dared to take a step in the room. She then sat down, started to rock back and forth, talking to herself, but obviously, this was supposed to be targeting.

"Daddy never spends time with me, he at work or he's drunk, Does daddy love me? Is it because imma kid?"

The lights turned off for a brief second and flickered back on, revealing an ebony piano. The child was now sitting on the stool, constantly pressing the a black key. C Sharp.

Persona 4: Let's Go Nanako! [Discontinued,skip to last chapter for details]Where stories live. Discover now