Jax looked back at Opie and said, “call Gemma and ask her to put something on the stove and that I’m coming over with a special guest that will be staying there.”

            Opie nodded and took out his phone, moving to go outside of the door and under part of the roof to be protected from the rain.  I gave my dad a weird look. Who was Gemma? His wife? And he barely knew me and was going to let me stay with him. I told him, “I can find someplace else, and I don’t need anything.”

            Jax shook his head, “Nonsense. Where else are you going to be? In the rain? And you haven’t eaten since Friday.”

            I sighed and looked down before mumbling, “thank you.”

            He shook his head and told me, “Sidney… there is nothing to thank me for…”

            After that there was some silence before he said, “I’ll call them tomorrow.”

            “What about the police? I won’t go back there,” I told him.

            He was silent and after a couple of seconds of looking at me, he nodded before telling me, “I’ll deal with that tomorrow. Lets just get going for tonight. You need a place to sleep and you need to eat. I’ll find a way to do the rest tomorrow. We’ll deal with tonight, get some rest and think things over.”

            I nodded and he looked up when Opie came back in. He told Jax, “Gemma’s reheating some leftover spaghetti. I didn’t tell her about…about Sidney. I thought that you would want to do that. She’s getting the guest bedroom ready too.”

            My father nodded and told him, “thank you brother. I’ll take her over when we are done here.”

            Opie nodded and took one last look at me before he went to close the door and leave but Jax called back to him, “And Opie…don’t say anything to the others. I…I don’t want too many questions and I don’t want them to have Sidney be like a circus act.”

            Opie nodded and said, “of course Jax.”

            I watched the door shut before I looked back at my dad. He looked back at me and asked, “will the police or social services be looking for you tonight?”

            I shook my head, “the kids back home promised that they wouldn’t tell the gunpatrol on me. My foster parents might, but they won’t be back until tomorrow morning in the later time.”

            He nodded before he said, “I….It will take me a bit of time to get used to this, making everything at bay and…well to you.”

            I nodded and answered him, “I understand.”

            He nodded and held his hands together in front of him and slouched down a bit more before he told me, “I’ll take you to my mum’s house. Tara will have a fit…she’s dealing with enough right now.”

            Tara? Who were all these people….maybe Gemma was his mother. I wondered why he called her by her first name. Tara was probably his wife then. He saw my confusion and he explained, “Tara is my old lady.”

            I nodded and he got up and offered me his hand. I looked at it for a bit before getting up myself and dropping the blanket. I stepped out of it and went to pick it up and he shook his head, “its fine where it is.”

            I stood back up straight again before I stepped out of the blanket on the ground and to the door that he opened. He told me, “wait in here. I’ll bring a truck over here so you don’t get wet.”

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