Chapter One

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   Chapter One

                  I tap my stylus off my desk. I look around at the other students, Everyone the same, bland people. Same clothes, same hair and same boring articulation. I sit and wait for someone to do something different. Something not generic. Something unique. But of course not, it's against the rules. The loud twang of the bell blares and I jump up on instinct. Madame Mayor glares at me and I sit down. I tap my stylus at the beat of the second hand on the big clock. At around 10 taps Madame Mayor says in a Perfectly grammered voice, “Dismissed” and in unison we answer “thank you Madame Mayor” I grab my school bag and stand up, eager to leave.

               “Azul” a sweet, windchimy voice voice says behind me. I turn around to see Amber. My bestfriend. She holds a small square envelope in her hands. ‘Azul’ is scrawled on it in a beautiful hand writing. I open the small envelope to see a beautiful blue rose drawn with my mine name written underneath. “Happy Birthday, Azul” she says to me “you only turn 18 once right?” she asks, smiling. I let a fake smile on my face. Everything happens when your 18. You get your career chip, you get matched, and you get assigned a last name. I’ve been dreading May 2 for as long as i remember. Another birthday means another year closer to 18. And the day i’ve been dreading since forever is finally here. Amber takes my hand and and turns swiftly, her blond hair whipping. Which is against the fine rules of the government.Amber has never been the one for ‘Rules’.

   She drags me by my arm out the large glass doors out of the school. “Today is our ceremony…” i mumble. “mhm” she nods. My chocolate brown hair whips around in the wind along with Amber’s silky blond hair. Everyone has the same hair and clothes. Boys have short hair with long bangs and girls have Just-below-the-shoulder hair. But girls are allowed to wear their bangs how ever they want. i mentally scoff at their idea of freedom. Ambers bangs are flat across her forehead while mine are parted to the right. I scoff again at the thought of them thinking up the laws like ‘oh! we wont let them choose who they love be we sure as hell will let them choose how they wear their bangs! because yeah! thats fair!’

  Amber parts from me as she walks toward her dwelling. she scans her id and walks in. I skip all three of the steps to my front door and see on the population sign that my twin brother Jakob is in. I scan my card and a flat, generic voice says “Welcome Azul” I rush in and hang my bag on my hook along with my plain grey sweatshirt. “Jakob” i say, turning the corner to the kitchen. A note sits on the table, propped up on a tissue box.

Jakob and Azul,

Me and your father are working late, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Make sure you are on time to your ceremony. 7:30.

we love you,

Mom and Dad

               I put the letter back on the table. Two boxes rest on the counter, one labeled Azul and one labeled Jakob. I open mine and see a silk, light blue dress, the exact color of my eyes. I carry the box to the bathroom and hold the knee length dress up to my body. It has a heart shaped neckline that makes me shudder. The girlyness of it makes me uneasy. in the bottom of the box, a pair of ballet flats the same color. At least she knows me well enough to know I hate anything that makes me feel the slightest bit flashy. Jakob walks into the bathroom with his box, holding an Emerald green tie that is the exact color of his eyes, His face horrified as the picks up the suit and dress shoes. He walks out of the room and i change out of my plain clothes and slide the dress on, along with the shoes. I look in the mirror and brush my wavy chocolate hair.

         I walk out of the room to see Jakob picking apart a muffin. “Come on” I say as i grab my ID, feeling rather uncomfortable in a dress. I sit in the car next to Jakob. My hands sweating. I don't want to be matched, I don’t want a last name, I want want i career chip. I want to be me. And only me. My sweaty hands clench into fists.

  “We are here” Jakob says and the madness leaves leaving behind fear. My future not in my hands, yet in the hands of a stranger. In the hands of an enemy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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