I didn't understand why he wanted time.

Haven't we had enough of that?

I was more than willing to accept letting our secret relationship become known, but for some reason Hero wasn't having that.

Maybe deep down he knew once this tour ended, there was no way we'd be able to keep a relationship on top of everything else going on in our lives.

And that further proves my point about the idea of whatever happens on this tour, stays on the tour.

Maria didn't have to tell me "I told you so" in order for me to know that's what she was thinking. But I knew she'd never be able to understand.

I couldn't care less what people thought about us, no matter how hard their words hurt. I cared about Hero, and our relationship. What was going to happen to it?

Would we still be able to remain professional? Or would it be Mexico all over again?

As I slip a white sweater over my head, I keep telling myself that we'd be able to get through it. We've done it countless times before, but knowing what we've been through, and how intense it was compared to that one night in Los Angeles, I couldn't help but worry that we'd lose it.

I make my way out of my room, my stomach dropping when I see Hero standing across the hall.

"Hey." He calmly says.


"C-Can we talk?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Let's just get through today."

I didn't have the energy to hash it out with him right now. I was still trying to wrap my head around what went down between us in France. To have him turn around and tell me that he made a mistake or didn't mean what he said would confuse me even more.

Right now, we needed to focus and get through today.

We had a few days off before the US premiere.

We could figure everything out then.

"Okay." Hero simply says before making his way down the hallway.

Anna comes out of her room and looks up and down the hallway before looking at me. "Where's Hero?"

"Already downstairs." I tell her.

"Oh." She says before raising a brow. "Everything okay?"

It felt as though I had literally just told Anna that Hero and I were together.

To tell her now that we've called it quits or in Hero's case, we're "taking a break", wasn't worth it.

After all, maybe he'll come around.

Our first interview is with a Canadian morning show.

Hero and I put on a brave face as per usual while Anna does most of the talking.

I try not to look too bothered when we're asked about our first meeting, the woman interviewing us attempting to delve into the logistics of it.

The first interview isn't nearly as difficult to get through as our second one, as a major topic of discussion was how Hero and I faired with our intimate scenes.

The term "good casting" just didn't seem to fit well with us anymore, given everything we've been through.

I notice Hero's shift in body language, his body angling way from me while his arms were crossed in a defensive manner. I attempt to keep a smile on my face, but my thoughts were racing.

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