Once the interview is over, we hang around the studio for a bit longer to film some stories for the studio's Instagram page before heading to the cinema for the signing, meet and greet, and first premiere of the day.

My eyes widen at the number of fans filling the cinema. Much like Spain, many of the fans weren't even attending the signing, as they were kept behind a barricade. They were simply there to see our faces, the mere sight of us bringing them overwhelming amounts of joy.

We sit at a long table just out front of the theater and one by one, each fan comes up to us. Thankfully we're given a few extra seconds to interact with them, but the intensity of the screams makes it hard to hear what most of them are saying.

Hero and I exchange lingering glances at each other, but I can't help but feel like everyone's eyes are on us, including Maria's.

I hated the fact that I couldn't even look at him without feeling guilty, like I'm committing a crime or something.

We knew things would be difficult going into this, but the difficulty was becoming frustrating.

Several fans approach us with gifts, and I try not to hold Hero's gaze for too long as he pulls a red football jersey over his head.

"What's this, like the fifth one I've gotten this tour?" He teases.

"Very funny." I say with a smirk before going back to signing the book in front of me.

After the signing, we make our way into the theater where fans were waiting for us. Just before we go in, we stop to take a few pictures with fans who were waiting outside.

One fan approaches me with a smile and hands me a box. When I look closer at it, I realize that inside was a polaroid camera.

"Obrigado." I tell her to the best of my ability.

"It's for your trip." She explains, before handing Anna and Hero one each as well.

"Thank you." Anna smiles at the girl.

"I will definitely use this." I say with a smile before handing it over to Maria to put in her bag.

When we get into the theater, we are introduced by representatives of the movie distribution company. We thank the fans and ask that they don't share any content from the film given that we've already experienced fans posting leaked videos and pictures of the film.

While one of the representatives translates, I catch Hero looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I look up at him and smile, making his own widen.

However, I also happen to catch Anna looking at the both of us. I look away from Hero, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. There was no way she couldn't have known by now that something was going on, and I knew I owed it to her to explain everything.

After all, without her, none of us would even be here in the first place.

Back at the hotel

I step out of the shower and begin to towel off before putting on a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt. I tie my hair up in a bun, slide my glasses on, and step out of the bathroom. I saw that my camera was sitting on my bed and I quietly thank Maria before checking my phone.

I notice a message from Anna asking if I could come into her room.

Knowing what that meant, I quickly tell Maria I'm going across the hall, not bothering to wait for a response and slip out of the room.

Anna opens the door with a smile before leading me over to the bed. She sits on the one across from me and gives me a knowing look. "Look, I don't want to force you to tell me anything you don't want to. Really all I want to say is that you know you can tell me anything, right?"

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