" Same old Skips," Vin shook his head. " Ah Skippy, let me have the honor of introducing you to Paul Walker, Jordana Brewster, Michelle Rodriguez, and Lud... Ludacris is somewhere... most likely getting hammered." Skips shook each of their hand as they were introduced.

" Ludacris yeah? That one that sang for that Justin Beaver, yeah I know him... Anyways it's happy hour so feel free to order whatever, fries should be out in a couple," Skips gestured to the bar and then went to go serve a customer. It was the best thing Paul had heard all week. A busy morning with mangers, directors, lines, and other things nagging constantly had made him want to make a beeline to the nearest cooler. Even the best actors get burnt out. A couple drinks and Godawful karaoke singers should patch up the job. Everybody loves hearing Don't Stop Believing and Single Ladies by girls that got dumped worse than a dump truck.

Aurora sat in her hoodie and jean jacket; a glass with just a dribble left swirling in her hand like a tiny dancer. It had felt like she'd been here long enough. As she was about to push herself out from stool when the tall man that was by Skips came to sit by her. He nodded in greeting. She nodded back noticing his features. Strong jawline, muscular but not psycho-on-steroids like. Movie star, I've seen him before. The thought processes through her mind trying to remember his name. " You could have reserved any spot in the house and you chose this one," she sputtered the sentence, she never really was the one to start the conversation. This was new for her. Paul turned his head to look at her. " Maybe there's something special about this one. I'm brokenhearted over my ex-boyfriend and you look like your boyfriend just dumped you. We can talk all night about how men are pigs and that we should castrate our exes—together—of course."

Baby blue eyes, humor factor plays in, showed up with Vin Diesel... I'm so stupid, it's Paul Walker. Aurora mentally facepalmed at her incompetence to realize who the stranger was. " If I'm going to castrate anyone please let it be my producer," Aurora rolled her eyes. Paul chuckled softly, trying not to be rude about the situation he had heard. He knew it was Aurora Simions when he sat down. The whole state of California heard about the outrage. It was sort of hard to miss to being that Paul himself worked in the movie business as well. Paul was just very awkward at introducing himself but once you got into a conversation with him, it's like he wouldn't shut up. He wondered if Rora knew who he was too.

" When you kicked him in the balls was it like Mortal Kombat style or Dragon Ball Z?" Walker asked resting the temple of his head on his palm. Aurora was silent for a second like lightened up a bit, "oh totally Mortal Kombat, I felt Chun Li's spirit in me at the moment." Aurora remembered the moment, it felt good to be able to fight. Like some sort of energy she had been trying to find was found alas. She was grateful that her job required to keep her in shape; no doubt, she could pack a sucker punch. Her producer's screwed up face was evident. She cracked her knuckles catching Paul's eyes to glance at her hands. He raised his hands up in defense, " Yo I've seen what you can do, I don't need a free karate lesson, please."

Aurora rolled her eyes playfully, " Well since this crappy break the ice conversation has escalated to a normal conversation, I'll property introduce myself. Aurora Simions. And you are...?"

" Walker. Paul Walker." They said in unison, but yet somehow the way Aurora said it was a relief that she actually knew who he was. It would have been anomalous to tell the actress yeah so I also act and fight bad guys and do all that smile for the camera shit too. I like cars though so that's cool.

" Surprisingly, I didn't fully believe that I recognized you at first. I mean so many guys walk into bars with Vin Diesel and sit next to me so how could I know?" Aurora laughed at her own joke and Paul smiled at her. " It must be so cool to work with the dude. He's a legend not only in movie making but you can tell he's such a down to earth guy, he has truly got a good heart."

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