The Conflict of the bagel being hoe

Start from the beginning

Kokichi then started 2 hump Shoe each E, "I thot you didn't love me" He said moaning a bit has he hum🅱

️e🅱️🅱️🅱️ed him leg.

Sorry typo, Humped. 

Shuichi bloustched and grabbed Kokichi's face. "I-I-I-I-I-I love you Cokeichi" he then kised Kokichi. Kokichi bloshed but then pulled away, teares in his eye. "I... Have someting... To tell you..." Orange juce merged with his tears

Typo agin: Orange juce dripped down his head and merged with his tears yep

"What is it coke itchy?" shoe i tchoy aksed skared. 

"I'm pregonnaananant" he said tears and orang gooic poursing down his fas and he fell into shoeitchy who was alzo crying. "I hav twi and one yurz but othr nag it toe, we wuz trying two get over you guyz" Shoe itchy then was confusioned, "🅱️ut yur 🅱️oi righ?" Nigith toes reched into Kokichi's pants where his wee wee wold be and pulled out a grape fanta, "He a 🅱️oi" naghittoes said.

typo: He's nat a 🅱️oi. sorry for the typos guys. I don't now kow tho delete when maked mistake.

Juts then, the trial music came one

Kokiche looked at Shuechi and lifted his- I meane her shirt and there were BOBS!!!!!!!!!!
"This is whye I wear the checker scarf........" Shoichi ran over to Kokichi and hug her.
"I lobe you no batter what Coke ichi" Shuichi sniffed. Kokechi and Shuichi kised and Nagito turned to Hajime. "Hajme Im sorry do you forgive me.." he loocked asheymed.

Kokichi was moan. the Hajimay nod and kis nagito, "You were despair ate, I get out.

"Once Kokeichi gives birth to her and mine child we will adopt them and name them Hajito if they're a boye and Nagite if they're a girl" Nagito sed."then we can get pregant too" Hajime said. 

Nagito bloushes. "Are you sure BBG" Y"es I wan a Bebey" 

Nagitoe blousehd more and then kised Hajime. "And I promis to never eat or think about a begel again" Hajime teared up because his speech was so beautiful. "Nagit tow, you can eat bagels, but jest not in fronte of me" Nagi to teared up too. "Thank you Hajiemay" "as longe as I cane eat my drink orange" Nageeto suddenly got a big jealous of the orang. "N-no..-" But then he paused. "If you are willing to let me eat bagel then you can... you.. you can..." He stuttered as he tride to force the words out but his jealosy was makeing it hard (like he was).

Hajimey leaned into his ear moan. "OnelyY For ypu" Hajemay's words helped Nagito get the hop=e he needed to say the final words. "If you are willing to let me eat bagel then y-you can drink you're orang jouice.." Hajime smiled, "I loathe you" Nagitoes realized Hajime had the despair disease. "MIKAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nagito screamed until all the glass in the house broke again. Mikan burst in too the room and slipped on the orange guice all over the floor. Somehow her entire dress fell off and she was dangling from the ceiling fan by her leg but she had a batheing suite underneath so it was fine. "S-S-Sorry I was with J-Junko" her face was red and she brushed a red fake nail out of her haire.

"Allow me to cut into those words!" Hajime yelled for no particular reason. He seemed to have stage for cancer despari dizeez/

Nagito yelled back "NO, THAT'S WRONG!" he then pulled out his gun full of truth bullets while Hajimeme pulled out his truth swords.  "H-Hajime Mikan is going to treat you we don't have to fite like this... Control yourseld"! but Nagito already felt his fourhead getting hotter and he felt himself say "I hate you, Hajemay.." Haejimmy cried, "No rhat not mfair!" he then stabbed himselv wit truth bullet. Autocorrect lol. I ment truth sowrd.

Mikan started to hyperventelate and wrapped Hajeme in Gauze so he healed. Nagito said "Hajime I hope you die!!" but he didnt mean it!!! The despare disese was taking over Nagitoes... kokichi walked over to Nagito nda smax him in the face. "Stop it you meanie butt!" She new her words wood cut deep in him, the thoufght of that made him moan, I mean ehrer, and she started going into laber. she csream in agonizing pain (I splet it rithe!") causing her to go furthar into laber

Nagito held his cheak and was snapped out of his dizese. "OMG WHAT WE DO!!!!!" Mikan fell off the cieling fan and started helping Kokichi give birth to the twines. Cocain ichi was moaning as ME can aws helping birth giv. Mikan held the too babees and gave one to Nagitoes. "This babi is yours Nag i to.." It had Nagito's hare but it was purple instead and its eyes were grey like his too. "Since it's a boye his name will be Hajito" Nagito cride of happyniss.

Just then, Kokichi staret diyng child labor. Shuichi held on too Cokeichi"s hand and cried "YOU CANT DYE NOW!!!!!!!" he was cryging so hard that he started to dye of D-hidration. juts then, Koke itchy woke ip andkiz d-hirdated hoeitchy hoping he c\iome back. 

Cookichi's kis wok=e up Shoeichi and he stsrted to chug orange chjuice so he got hydrate. "Kokiece our baeeb...." he piced up the baby girl and gave her to Kokic chi. The babey had Kokichi's hair but it was Shuici colored and it had purple eye. "She's beautyfil...." Shuchi cride. "No no cry or you hydrate d again" she saiyd2 shoeithcy as she kiz him, blood still pouring out of her vagons.

Mikan being the ultimate nurs she was, clean kokichi and put on her cloth. "S-Sorry for being such a noosinse..." she ran out of the room back to Joonko and started to do the sexy time again. Kokeichi and Shoeichi held their baby. "Ltes name her Koshuiki becsuse its' oure names combine" Shucini said and Kokici nodded. They wus all happy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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