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✨ Asia Imani Hernández ✨

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✨ Asia Imani Hernández ✨

Taken by dante and she is a loser so you won't be interested. She's a fifteen year old girl who obsesses over cartoons, hoodies,and food, so barely has any friends. She tries to be a very positive and sweet person as possible to brighten everyone's day around her,she is a shorty of 5'4 and she will shower you in love,so you might feel smothered.This girl is low-key really insecure about herself and goes through tough things but keeps smiling through.She loves mangos and pineapples so much and will  ask for them along with asking for cuddles.She can be mean at times but only if she wants too or needs to be, She is mixed with black and hispanic... Lastly she is a bisexual person but likes boys more. Hit her up lovelies♥✨

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