Chapter 1: New School

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It was six in the morning and you groaned as your alarm went off. You rolled over and realized that it was your first day of school of your sophomore year and to make it even better, it was your first day of school at Midtown High. You slowly got up and changed into jean shorts, a navy blue tank, and a red flannel and walked out of your room in Avenger's tower, making your way to the kitchen where you saw Steve and Bucky having breakfast.

You were the only daughter of Tony Stark a.k.a. Iron Man and lived in Avenger's tower with the rest of the Avengers. You had just moved in over the summer after your mom died in a tragic car accident and the only other relative you had was your dad, whom you had never met. He, along with his fiance, Pepper, and the rest of the Avengers graciously took you in and now you could never dream of living somewhere else or spending your time with any other people even though you weren't a super hero like they were.

"Hey kid, how's it feel to get back into the swing of things and start school again?" Steve asked you.

"Ugh... I just want to get up at noon again and stay here with you guys. This is too much work," you groaned in response as your dad walked in.

"What's too much work, y/n?" he asked.

"Just school and getting up early and having to do stuff with my life," you rambled.

"Well how about you grab your stuff, hop in the car, and we stop for donuts on the way."

"Omg! That sounds amazing, thanks Dad!" you shrieked as you ran back to your room and grabbed your backpack before sprinting to the car.

The two of you got donuts for breakfast and then your dad dropped you off at Midtown for your first day off school. You put your headphones in and walked to the principal's office to get your schedule. The lady working the desk was super nice, but unfortunately couldn't find anyone with the time to show you where your classes were, so you resorted to asking around. After about ten minutes of asking with no luck and five minutes until your first bell started, you had almost given up until a boy who looked to be in your grade with brown hair and soft brown eyes nervously walked up to you.

"Hi ummm... you look lost," he stuttered.

"Yeah, I'm new here and no one seems to be willing to help me find my class," you replied.

"Well, here, let me see your schedule. Maybe I can help."

"Really? You'd do that?" you asked as you handed the boy your schedule.

"Yeah, of course, and anyway we have almost the exact same schedule, so you can just follow me," he beamed, "I'm Peter by the way, Peter Parker," as he said this, you seemed to remember hearing his name before, but couldn't remember where.

"Thanks Peter, I'm y/n, y/n y/l/n," you replied, still going by your mom's name as not to bring too much attention to yourself.

"Ok y/n, we have chem first, this way," he said while doing a funny gesture telling you to head to the right, making you laugh.

You and Peter talked all the way to class and made it just a few seconds before the bell rang. You sat at an empty lab table and Peter sat down next to you. You could see a guy across the room give a 'what the heck man' face to Peter as he passed him and sat down next to you. You smiled at him and got ready for class.

"Now class, today we will choose our lab partners which you will have for the rest of the year, so choose wisely. Then we will start taking notes on chapter 1: the atom," your teacher said monotonously.

"Hey, y/n, do you want to be my lab partner?" Peter asked nervously, but you could detect the enthusiasm in his voice.

"Why would you want to be my lab partner? I could totally suck at chemistry and then you'd be stuck with me. Not to mention that you just met me," you pointed out.

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