

"Obviously it's something, otherwise you wouldn't be staring a hole into my hoodie."

"It's just...you look like Tiffany. It's tripping me out." He said in a completely monotonous voice.

"She forced me into it."

Tommy opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the creaking of Jay's door as it opened up. Jay dapped Tommy up and gave Tiffany a hug before inviting them in. When he got to me he paused and smirked, "You came."

"You forced me to," I stated before walking past him and into his home. The second I stepped into the house, the bass of the music literally vibrated in my bones.

"Forced is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?" Jay said laughing just enough to show off his annoyingly perfect smile.

"You threatened me with frog surgery," I said in the most serious tone possible.

"Valid point," he said chuckling, "I'm still shocked though."

Jay looked around the party and did the classic 'what's up' head nod to a couple of bulky guys who walked in the front door. "You want a drink?"

"Like an alcoholic drink?" I asked, trying my best not to give off goodie two shoe vibes.

"I would say we have non-alcoholic beverages, but you guys came kind of late, so there's a 99.9% chance everything's been spiked by now," he said flashing another perfect smile.

"Guess I'll pass on the drink then," I said scanning the party for any familiar faces.

"You afraid of a little liquor?" he joked before taking another swig of the beer he'd already been holding in his hand.

"Not afraid, just not fond of it..." Jay looked at me and cocked his head to the side. He took his beer bottle and threw it away, then turned his gaze back towards me. "You didn't have to do that." I stated.

He brushed my statement off and proceeded to pry, "Why aren't you fond of it?"

"Long story." I replied.

"You're stuck with me for an hour and 45 minutes— we've got time," Jay shrugged and gestured to a nearby sofa. At first, I didn't move, but he began gently guiding me with his hand on the arch of my back. I took his hand off of my back and handed it back to him.

"I can walk by myself thank you." I said lifting both of my eyebrows causing him to chuckle and plop himself down on the couch.

"Story time," Jay stated happily whilst patting the bare couch cushion next to him.

"It's not that big of a deal I just don't like drinking," I said plopping myself down on the couch next to him. I could tell the wheels were spinning in his head and he was about to ask more questions so I decided to change the subject, "why aren't you partying and jumping around like you usually do?"

"Eh, guess I'm not really in a party mood," he said and his overall vibe immediately changed.

I can honestly say I had never seen him without a smile on his face before. I wanted to pry more, but he looked over at me and I'm assuming he could see on my face that I was about to follow up with some heavy questions so he quickly cut me off, "The fuck are you wearing?"

At first I was offended, but then I looked down and saw my cleavage bursting out of the body suit I'd been forced into and sighed, "Tiffany tried to turn me into her clone," I said rolling my eyes and gesturing the rest of my outfit.

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