obey jesus or hellfire

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"in the zones, if you flirt with everyone then no one will know who you really love and you have no weakness!", red writer said into the radio with the confidence of a guy that knows exactly what he's talking about.
cyanide thrill's voice filled the air around lithium with a cackle: "yes, truth."
he chuckles too. "dark."
"that's me babey!", red answers, wink almost audible through the bad quality of the radio, being disturbed by radiation in the air and whatnot. lithium really has no fucking clue. none of them are scientists after all.
valentine laughs, "OMG!"
do people still use that?
"i'll flirt with anyone!", cyanide declares confidently, "i'll flirt with MYSELF!"
'i'm sure you will.', lithium thinks to himself. he smiles.

over the last days he's gotten used to their antics and he can't wait to meet them all. they've even established a gang name already, the "devil whores". he'd found an old poster, a relict of long forgotten times, which had some of the funniest word-salad on it he'd ever laid his eyes on. in the end, the votes had been equal on "devil healers" and "occupational whores", until cyanide suggested combining them. needless to say, being a stupid idiot, lithium thought of "occupational healers" while everyone else knew it would be "devil whores".

red huffed. "i'm going stir crazy stuck here, is ANYTHING interestin' happening at all?"
cyanide seemed to ponder for a moment until he answered: "someone found a skate park in zone 5."
the way he raised his voice at the end made the sentence sound questioning, more than anything. lithium perked up. "really? we NEED to go there!"

                             ☆ ☆ ☆

"alright, let's get the hell outta here!", desert detonator spoke into the concentrated quiet. red writer, sunflower fool and them had met up to use sunflower's vend-a-hack for supply-provisioning.
"let's fucking blast", red agreed, "where to?"
desert shrugged, "zone 4? where that abandoned building i told you about is."
the group had been exitedly talking about their future and coming adventures, so of course the question of a hideout had come up.
"it's right on the edge of 5 and 4, hold on folks!", sunny  acclaimed, tapping
the seat of her trusty motorbike. how they managed to stack three people on top of it previously, they didn't even know themselves.
"estimate when we'll be there?", desert asked, seeming rather anxious about the possibility of a longer ride. sunflower didn't exactly drive very careful, even if three people were sitting almost on top of each other.
"well, my friends, give it another minute. i'm gonna crank up the speed on this baby!"
sunflower revved the engine and the troup blasted off to scout out the potential home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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