Chapter 2: Matters of the Crystal Equals

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Infinity 3 raced through the doors, stopping at the crystal. He thought he would boost it up with his powerful magic hands, but it wouldn't last forever. He needed another plan. Infinity 3 cannot believe that his worst fears have come true today after all. The Crystal Equals was in terrible danger, and if he didn't fix it soon, the entire 12 Shape Crystal Empire would be, too. All he wanted to see is the symbols in the land, with a lovely and beautiful spring, bees buzzing, flowers blooming, numbers relaxing and playing together,

otherwise he wouldn't see the dying Crystal Equals in time. If the Crystal Equals stopped glowing, went straight down to 0% and exploded once more, there would never be spring again. The entire expanse and every number in it would be covered in much worse than the normal winter - it will be an alavanchive of snow from the Frozen South!

"Infinity 4!" called the finite agent. "We have a problem! The Crystal Equ- Whoooooah!" And as slow motion, Infinity 3 lost his rushing. He fell to the floor, but his tonuge did not go in his mouth.
"Infy, are you OK?" said Infinity 4. "Yeah, it was a bit of a slouch." said Infinity 3. Then he knew that most of the numbers were at home slurping get-well soup. "What were you doing on the floor?" said Infinity 4. "Well, I think that was one of my falls," said Infinity 3. Then he saw a finite number that had a waist, different glasses from the other agents, and he was wearing shoes that were about Size 5. "Oh, HI-LOOOO!" said Infinity 5. For he was a little spoiled, and thought nothing of Infinity 6's troubles. "I was about a slouch when I was the last to arrive and the first to leave, I must say the event called Primes and Composites Day's Mutlisong, it was about an undecillion numbers at attendance. My stepmother wouldn't let me go. I don't think that I have my sum yet! As usual, I am shivering cold," he said, "would you make me the best hot cocoa ever?" "Yes, as the summery sun melts all the snow and ice away." said Infinity 3.
"Excellent!" said Infinity 4. "Now let's have a nice, quiet evening, my cheeks are freezing cold!" "OK, let's go warm you up. I'm going to make you two some hot chocolate." said Infinity 3. "Hot chocolate with marshmallows?" said Infinity 4. He could believe that his best friend has known all about Earth. As well winter was his least favourite season, he cuddled up the blanket.

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