two • spider-man

Start from the beginning

"Who are you? Why are you hurting these people?"

"I'm on a mission, Spider-Man. A mission to take over this city that you claim as yours. This is destiny. This is fate. This city is mine."

"You're awful confident. What makes you so sure you're going to accomplish this mission?"

The smile he gave made Miles' skin crawl. "Because you won't be here to stop me."

Another sewer cap was thrown at him but he ducked in time and it hit a cop car behind him, denting the door and breaking the window some. Miles shot a web to the hardware store and got onto the roof to create distance between them.

"I think you forgot who I am. What I can do. I'll remind you real quick."

Miles went invisible. The suspect growled in frustration as he turned around to try and find the invisible hero. Miles moved quickly back to the ground and crawled over to him. Smirking, he did a swift kick with his feet and knocked his feet out from underneath him. He fell to the ground but grabbed the air and somehow got Miles by his feet and threw him. He crashed into a cop car and landed on the ground with his ears ringing. His back was aching tremendously and his vision was blurry from the incredibly hard impact. Whoever this was had strength that not even a hundred men could compare to.

By the time Miles got back on his feet with the cops trying to capture the suspect he had slipped back into the sewers. There was nothing they could do once he got down there. They weren't equipped to go down into the sewers so yet again he got away.

"Spider-Man? You alright?" The chief asked. The chief favored him the most, he reminded him of his lost son. How he knew Spider-Man was that young he didn't know.

"I'm alright chief thank you. Just wasn't expecting that."

Miles was back on his feet. He sighed knowing he let him get away. After the scene had calmed down some he was swinging back to Visions Academy so he could change into his normal clothes that he left in a nearby alley. He wondered if his friends were still out eating somewhere as he was changing clothes and decided to go look. He walked to the pizza place he knew they were at and saw them eating by the window. They seemed to be laughing at something Ganke did when he walked in. For a second he hesitated at the door, wondering if they'd be mad at him when he walked up to the table.

"Miles? Hey!" Gwen called out.

Olivia turned around in her seat. She smiled at him. "Are you finally joining us? We've already ate!"

"I still have two slices left so it's good. I got you man."

Miles sat down next to Gwen and took the slices of pizza from Ganke. His head was throbbing from being thrown against a car but it was slowly fading away. Olivia noticed that he seemed to be in pain almost immediately.

"You alright? You look like you're in pain."

The waiter stopped by their table and he ordered himself a milkshake to go. "Just got a headache, I'll be fine. What have you guys been talking about?"

Olivia didn't seem to believe him but she let it slide. "School, life, how much we hate you. Typical stuff."

"Wait a minute-"

They all laughed and Miles rolled his eyes. Gwen softly punched his arm to let him know she was kidding. Their entire friendship consisted of making fun of each other without actually meaning it. It was like that with Ganke too.

"Did you see what was happening downtown?"

"Oh that?" Olivia leaned back in her seat. "All I saw were cop cars flying by. It's probably that suspect that's been going around causing nothing but trouble."

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