Uuuuuuu..boi when did you get so romantically spoken... Char wiggles her brow.

Oh it comes and bless God for Chloe... Jasper smirks.

Hmmm... How is she by the way...

She's good..I'll tell her you asked of her...I better get going... Jasper leant away from the mirror stand.

Kay.. But Jasper... Henry... She sighs.

You know what... I'm actually going to stop by his house so I'll tell him for you..Kay.... Jasper sighs.

Oh thanks Jasper.. She hug him a bit.

I'll go now... Jasper says but then a knock was heard and also char phone chimes indicating she a got a message.

Who's there... Jasper please get the door... Char says picking her phone to read the message from.

Blake.. She voices her thought.

Hey bianca... Jasper says.

Oh hey... Is char in... She asks

Oh yeah yeah... Go in...I was about to leave so bye... Jasper says walking out.

Bianca was Henry's girlfriend at that time and char also likes her but now henry has broken up with her. One they're relationship wasn't really working. Two she kinda knew henry likes char. So... She's here... But why.

"Hey char... I know I said on Monday but I'm really nervous so can we go on a date tonight by 8pm".... Char read from her phone.

Really ah gurl I'm so excited for you... Bianca smiles.

Oh hey Bianca... Thanks tho... Char smiles too.

I better go get ready...

Yea... Oh my I can't believe this... Blake is asking..you..out...

What do you mean...char says crossing her arm confused.

Nothing... Go get dressed... It's 7 now...don't wanna be late..right.... Bianca gave a pushing sign.

Kay... Char says sending a quick sure to Blake and asking where they should meet before going into the bathroom.

Bianca sat there contemplating on what to do to Charlotte for stealing her boyfriend. But then she likes char and they've been good friends for some time now...she's sweet and Bianca is pretty sure it isn't her fault henry likes Charlotte.

No no... I can't think this over.. Henry likes her because of her...so it's her fault then... Bianca thought and char phone chimes again. Two new messages.

From Blake and someone called


From Blake.
Sure...there's a restaurant beside junk n stuff called bernil. I heard you work at junk n stuff so you must know there. actually as a gentleman I'll come pick you up.

From ray
Hey char
Henry is throwing a get together party at that restaurant beside junk n stuff. Come soon and dress fancy.

Bianca picked the phone. henry, henry , henry she thought.

Why does everything she does revolve around henry... Bianca scoffs hitting the phone on the bed

Hmmm she sure is going dress fancy... Huh tsk tsk henry..get ready to be heartbroken by your Witt little best friend... Bianca chuckles wickedly .

I finally know how to get my sweet revenge and you're sure not gonna like it Charlotte... Henry might have broken up with me because of you but I'm not gonna leave without a fight... Bianca says getting agitated by the seconds.

I know just what to do...

Bianca says before picking Charlotte phone and going to text......

Don't kill me guys...sorry.
What she gonna text.
Oh I don't know.
Thanks for readinf

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