By now a few other students had turned to see what the commotion was about. Some, seeing it was just the same story from before, turned away. But others, those who had, perhaps, not known about the drama, continued to watch, keeping their heads turned partially away as to hide their interest.

Kyle tried to ignore the onlookers. "Look, Asim, we all act on impulse sometimes. You asked someone out after hanging out at the dance, I burn a barn down. It's all the same." It really wasn't, but sometimes it helps to hear about the flaws of others.

"Oh, but Kyle, you seem to be more level-headed than I. This is not the first time I've grappled with rejection, and I'm sure it won't be the last. You've been romantically rejected before, and yet it doesn't phase you. How do you do it?"

Kyle's eyebrows pulled themselves closer and he screwed up his face. Who? What? When? "Well, I guess it starts with having no idea what you're talking about..."

Asim peered through his fingers. "You haven't even noticed? Kyle, I am impressed by your immunity to the powers of the heart."

"I guess," Kyle said, biting a piece of toast. "I really don't know."

Asim pulled his hands away from his face. His eyes were brighter. "That's really admirable."

It felt odd to accept praise for something he did not do, or something he was unaware he was doing. But at least Asim seemed to be cheered up.

Asim took up his porridge and rose from the seat. "I have to go, I'm going to do some studying by myself while I eat. Thank you, Kyle." And Asim once again disappeared into the crowd.

The fork pulled away from Kyle's leg. Sean emerged between the table and bench, peering out like a groundhog from its burrow. "There he goes," he sighed. He set his plate and cup back on the table, then pulled himself out from underneath, sitting on the same side as Kyle. "Sounds like he's your problem now."

Kyle recoiled a bit. "How so?"

"He thinks your lack of understanding when people are crushing on you is attractive," Sean said. "Probably a forbidden fruit-type deal."

"But who's been crushing on me?" Kyle asked.

Sean shrugged. "Don't know. I was thinking about that myself. Maybe he thinks Aoife likes you. He's probably still upset she didn't like him back, that crush lasted a while. It might be easiest to rationalize she just likes someone else."

"But why?"

Sean shrugged. "It just is. I know that if I like someone, and they don't like me back, I feel bad about it. If I really like someone and they don't like me back, it's easier to tell myself there's a reason other than them just not being interested."

Kyle thought about Sean's words. He understood what they meant, but was unsure if he understood the feeling. "Guess I just haven't felt that way about anyone else before."

"Well hang onto that," Sean said. "It's no fun getting rejected."

It didn't sound fun. But it was still an alien concept. Maybe he wouldn't have to deal with it.

Sean stood up and stepped over the bench. Drake leapt from the table into Sean's pocket, carrying a bit of toast in his - FLEDERMAUS! Sean put his now empty cup on his now empty plate and picked it up. "Well, now that you mention it, I think I will go take a nap."

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