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Happiness. That's all that matters in this world. I'm one of those people that follow that simple rule. Happiness is needed. Some people went along with me and laughed constantly, thinking that this world will give back. Does it ever? We all hope to catch a glimpse of pure happiness. We might never recieve this one wish. People will do a lot of stupid stuff to just reach out and tough their own happiness.

People are just dumb sometimes. Thinking that Earth could be just as happy as Heaven. Well, it is still potentially happy. Most people will meet their soul mates, have kids, and embrace the world. But people do make stupid decisions.

For me, happiness is music. Vinyls, CD's, MP3s. It doesn't matter as long as it's music. I sit in my room, listen to 1975, and watch the rain pour from the cloudy, Toronto sky. This is where I feel happy. But sometimes I feel like I could feel happier. Perhaps I still have my soul mate to meet. Or maybe go on a trip all around the world. For now I am stuck in boring North Carolina, with boring people. Happiness might come easy for LA, but it shines rarely here in my city.

People like my friend Hayes are almost too happy. How does this happen? He was never the most popular, but had the best grip of the brighter side of life. We met when we were seven. He and I were not the most liked of the people at school. I would always tell people off, but Hayes was very quiet. He would always ask me when we turned 10, "Why are you helping me. I'm only bringing you down." I would respond with, "You are my friend. I guess that's what friends do."

That's how our friendship really kicked off. Sure, we were both loners, but we were never too good of friends up to that point. Hayes and I got very close during the next few years. In fact, he and I started playing Lacrosse together. He was my happiness. I was his. We never wanted to stop being friends. One day, he left. Due to reasons, he left. He left me without happiness. I still sang the songs we would play together. I remeber him teaching me most of my football skills. I even remember the fun sleepovers we would have, staying up and alking about our favorite shows or books. I remember that day when he turned 13. He kissed me. But of course, a week later, he started talking to the populars. I remember being so angry when he cut off all contact to me.

Now he's gone. He hates me. This is how my life changed. Now that you know the background, it's time you learn the story of Zoe Jones


//Can I get 2 votes to continue :) Its now a Hayes fanfic cause my cousin wanted this oops//

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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