Chapter 2

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Phil and Joanne decided to foster Andy and you. You wondered why as you were riding to your new foster home.

"So Andy, (y/n), what do you like to eat?" Joanne inquired, looking back at us.

"All kinda of things!" Andy answered quite quickly.

"Well what's your very favorite food in the whole world?" She smiled.


You chuckled lightly at your brother's reply.

"Other than that," Joanne laughed slightly.

"My mother used to make us eggs for breakfast. I like eggs." He replied.

"You got it. Oh, we should stop by the store." She told Phil.

"How about you (y/n)?"

You smiled sweetly. "I like a lot of foods, whatever Andy wants to eat is fine."

Joanne smiled, straightening herself in her seat. "PHIL LOOK OUT!" She shouted, and Phil slammed on the brakes.

Andy and you were stunned, but it took you a moment to realize the car had almost hit a Play Pals Toy truck. Looking over at Andy, you noticed his solemn expression as he noticed the cartoon good guy doll painted on the side of the trailer.

Finally finishing the trip, you made it to your new home. The inside was absurdly painted and had many antique looking objects.

"Now you two go look around and explore." Joanne said.

You looked around at all of the beautiful items decorating the room. Noticing Andy about to touch a small statue, You went to tell him not to touch it, but Phil and Joanne beat you to it.

"Uh-Uh," Phil waved a finger. "Rule number one, don't touch the old stuff."

"Sorry.." Andy replied. You walked over to where the three of them were standing.

"Oh it's okay, it's just some of this stuff is kind of fragile." Phil said gently.

"Do you like it?" Joanne smiled, kneeling beside Andy.

"Yeah." Andy answered.

"My grandmother gave it to my mother, and my mother gave it to me." She told him.

"And who are you gonna give it to?" Andy asked.

Joanne shifted uncomfortably, looking at Phil for a moment. "Why don't you both go upstairs and explore?"

"Yeah lets go Andy." You said quietly. You smiled at Joanne and Phil, almost apologetically.


CHILDS PLAY 2 ( reader insert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang