Alejandro x mute reader

Start from the beginning

DJ and Leshawna: "Come fly with us!"

"Do you know how to steer this thing!?" Heather asked Chef.

"I try." Chef Hatchet said

Ezekiel: "They thought they could leave me and depart, but this stowaway's got winning in his heart!"

Noah: "Come fly with us! Come die with us!"

Owen: "We're flying?! I hate flying! Stop the plane!" (Owen gets hit on the head with a frying pan, courtesy of Chris)

Cody, DJ, Heather and Sierra: "Come fly with us! Come sing with us!"

"No!" Duncan and Gwen yelled

"Anyone care for a copy of the season three rules? Because in order to escape instant elimination-" Chris asked holding the rules

Bridgette: "All contestants must sing in each show!"

Courtney: "Duncan, do it! Let's go!"

Cody: "Gwen, sing it! Don't go!"

"Well, I don't wanna go home." Gwen finally started to sing "Come fly with us! Come fly with us! Come and fly with us!"

"Duncan, come on! Please?" Courtney begged

Duncan: "This sucks!"

Everyone (except Duncan, Ezekiel and Owen): "Yeah!"

When we were done Courtney started to whine and bitch "Chris, Y/n didn't sing didn't you just say everyone had to sing" Heather rolled her eyes

"Yes well what do you want her to do sein what she wants to sing." Heather asked putting her hand on Y/n's shoulder. Courtney looked at her confused

"Y/n here is mute, she doesn't talk her contract is slightly modified from everyone elses. She doesn't have to sing" Chris said.

"Well then why doesn't she just talk then!?" Courtney yells

"Why don't blind people just see then" Heather said

"Because they cant" Courtney said.

"Well she CAN'T talk, She hasn't talked since we were 6."Heather said

~time skip~ Y/n pov

"Ok everyone I call this challenge is called "Pyramid Over Under," in this challenge you can pick to go through the pyramid or over it" Chris soon bangs a gong and everyone takes off. I step onto the fourth step and stop 'If I think like Chris then this will be easy' I walked around the pyramid on the fourth step. Soon I had made it to the other side and walked down and over to Chris.

"You were supposed to go OVER or THROUGH not around it." he said I grabbed my white board

'Technically I did go over it you never said we had to go all the way to the top to go "over" it.' I wright.

He stops and looks at me then thinks about it..."That's...that smart well we have a while before the others show up and because you thought like me, I'll ask you, do you want to be on the same team as your sister?"

'No, I love her but when compateshens happen she tends to turn angry easily'

"Fair enough"

~time skip~

I was on a team with Alejandro, Owen, Noah, Sierra and Tyler dubbed Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot we were trying to find the Nile River I was on Alejandro's shoulders soon I see the river so I tap on Alejandro's head. "Sí senorita" I point to the river "excellent, Hold on everyone I'm changing course" we soon get to the river, and after some back and forth with Chris I start to work on the bout with Sierra then suddenly we had Izzy and Sierra was on a different team I just continued to work, soon it was the end of the race episode we were in the plane I was just playing with my makeup and all my hair chock with Lindsay. 

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