A Friend in Need

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The next day, at school, Hugo could tell that his girlfriend wasn't very happy. "Sofie, are you okay?" he asked.

"No, I'm not going on the field trip, Hugo," Sofia said.

"Why not?" Hugo asked. "You were so excited about it yesterday."

"Roland doesn't want me to go with him—he only wants to go with Amber," Sofia muttered.

"What gave you that idea?" Hugo gaped.

"Because they wouldn't stop talking about how their past field trips were before I came along, and they even said those field trips were better without me," Sofia said. "That's all I ever hear about anymore."

"Aw, I'm sorry," Hugo apologized. "I wish there was something we could do."

"The only thing I can do about it is listen to them be a couple of dorks," Sofia muttered.

After school, at Hugo's palace, his family could tell that he was a little sad.

"Is something on your mind, sweetie?" Queen Samira asked.

"I'm really worried about Sofia," Hugo admitted. "King Roland and Amber made her feel like they didn't want her on the field trip, so she's not going."

"Poor little darling," King Garrick sighed.

"If Sofia isn't going on the field trip, then maybe she can be here with Dad while we're gone," Prince Axel suggested. "Uncle Grim and Megan are out for the Hexley Hall retreat anyway."

Suddenly, Samira had an idea. "Hugo, why don't you call Sofia on your Enchantlet and ask her to come here right away?" she suggested.

"Okay, Mom," Hugo nodded. He spoke into his Enchantlet, "Sofia?" Then a rope come out and formed a circle, showing Sofia. "Why don't you come on over? Mom says this is very urgent."

"Okay, I'll be there," Sofia nodded.

Sofia immediately went over to Hugo's palace, and Samira suggested her idea to her.

"You're saying that King Garrick should be my dad on the field trip?" Sofia gaped.

"Well, he does treat you like you're his daughter," Samira said.

"I think that's cute," Axel smiled. "With Sofia being Hugo's girlfriend, she should at least try to do something with Mom or Dad."

"It's fine by me if King Garrick is up for it," Sofia shrugged.

"Of course, it is," Garrick smiled. "After all, a future father-in-law is just as real as a birth father."

"Oh, Dad," Hugo blushed. "Well, luckily, I still have an extra permission slip."

Hugo handed the permission slip to Garrick, and he and Sofia signed it together.

"It's official," Garrick smiled.

"Why don't you sleep over the night before the field trip?" Samira offered.

"Okay," Sofia smiled.

Sofia the First: Dad DilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now