Chapter 4: Wedding Choas

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                May 8, 2010 was my very special day. I felt so beautiful and overwhelming with bliss. I made sure everyone knew their jobs and triple checked everything to make sure I wasn't going to have an emotional pregnant bride diva moment.

      I loved every moment of my day. During pictures I was standing next to Mike's grandma on my right, Mike on my left then grandpa on Mike's left. I was 4 months along and felt my baby move for the first time. Yep I was glowing to the max!

      Sheldon and Tiffany were so charming in their dress up clothes. Mike was so handsome and dreamy in his suit! Finally the pictures session was over so we could get downstairs to the reception.

       I thought for sure I had everything planned out and organized. But guess what I forgot out of everything? ?? To have someone manage the food and drinks for the party. I literally wanted to shoot my foot. I started to cry not meaning to but when you're a pregnant bride your hormones take over!

      My sister, also my maid of honor, talked to her boyfriend and got him to pitch in with the help of Laura, my mom's best friend. What a relief. I talked with so many friends and relatives that I didn't even get to eat off the plate I made.

     I was so exhausted and wasn't taking care of myself. During a conversation with a friend I ended up fainting. 

        "Renae?     Renae?" I could hear Mike's voice but didnt want to open my eyes. Yep I was in a hospital gown not my wedding gown. I instantly cried!

"What am I doing here and why am I not at the church having the reception?"

Mike tried to comfort me with a loving smile and a touch on my hand. "Renae you fainted. Doctor says you were extremely dehydrated and I'm sure you didn't eat anything after breakfast."

"Well tarter sauce. Where's Sheldon and Tiffany?"

Mike kissed my hand. "Honey, your parents took them for a few hours until we figure you out."

"Oh thank you God!"

So This is Thirty...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ