Krishna's Doll

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Charumathi is the daughter of Mata Rukmini and Pitashree Krishna. This tale focus on the love they all share.

Happy Birthday Maa MadhavaPriyaa, I wish you an amazing amazing and Dhamekedaar birthday. I am so glad to meet you, you are the one of the person I look upon whenever something happens, Your help and love made me feel more closer to dear Pitashree and Maiyaa. Thank you So So So So So much maa, from bottom of my heart.

Happy birthday Maa MadhavaPriyaa, you guided me, cared for me, corrected my mistakes, taught me many things. I am happy to have you in my life. You loved me unconditionally and I cannot thank you enough for always having my back. Love you always Maa ❤️ I wish that our bond grows stronger day by day, with His blessings. Once again, Happy birthday Maa ❤️

The artistic Sun painted the black dark sky into blue, as it raised above the clouds. The clouds got up from its dear sleep and travelled across the blue sky while the cool breeze accompanied it.

Dwarakadeesh enjoyed this morning scenery, his face shining like that of the Sun, smile covering his lips.

This scene in Rukmini's chamber made Krishna to immerse himself to it.

The tinkling sound of anklet interrupted his flow of thoughts.

He turned around with a wide smile, lifting his little Princess, embracing her.

"Charu, you know what day it is?" aksed Krishna, winking at His little girl.

"Yes Pitashree, it is Maa Rukmini's birthday." She replied, with a wide smile.

"You are right, Putri. And what's on your hands?" asked Krishna.

"Oh.. Its flowers, for Maa" replied Charu with a cute smile, which made Krishna grin.

"You two are here? I am searching all over the Palace." came Rukmini, her new neckalce adorning her neck, which was gifted by Krishna.

"Yes Your highness!" Replied the two winking, which made her to glare at the two with fake anger.

"Happy birthday Maa", Charu wished extending the flowers she had plucked for her mother.

"Thank you sweetie.", Rukmini hugged her. "Okay, wait here. I'll bring you food." She added.

Krishna smiled at her, she smiled back at him.

She came back with a bowl of curd rice with some vegetables to feed Charu.

"Rukmini, I'll feed her. You go to the chamber of Satya. She has something for you there." Said Krishna.

"Okay Swami. Please be sure that she eats fully." Replied Rukmini, leaving the bowl with Krishna.

"Charu... Come here... I'll feed you." Voiced Krishna, only to find that Charu is not here.

"I don't like curd nor vegetables. I am not going to eat.", saying so Charu ran from there.

"Pitashree, come and catch me if you can.". He heard only her voice and twinkling of her anklet.

When he got out of the chamber, he couldn't find her as she was fast like wind.

He mischievously smiled, wondering how clearly she inherited his traits.

He ran along the corridor, with a bowl of rice in one hand, calling her out.

Finally with much effort, he caught her, fed her copule of spoons.

When he got distracted for a second, she freed herself from his grip.

"Come Pitashree. We can play hide and seek. I am hiding and you've to find me." saying so she ran from there making Krishna whine.

"Swami, what happened?", came Satyabhama.

"I've to feed Charu, and she disappeared out of my sight. She is hiding in some place and I've to find her." Said Krishna, making Bhama to giggle at his statement.

"Fine Swami. You carry on. I've to help Revathi Jiji.", saying so she thought to escape slowly, Her gaze now shifted towards her daughter who was running here and there, her feet running with speed of the wind.
"All the best Putri. Have a nice time with your pitashree." She said, smiling and adoring the beautiful smile her daughter gave to her, She knew her daughter wanted a play with her father,  enjoying the beautiful moments.

Krishna looked at her, giving mock sad expressions, shaking his head. His heart gladdening as he saw love between mother and daughter

"Bhamae, help me.", Krishna cried out, pouting at his wife which made Satya to giggle.

"But Rukmini told otherwise.", She replied and left.

"Oh my! Charu.. Charu... I am coming to find you..", he continued to search for her, as he left with no other option.

Meanwhile, Charumati slowly eneterd Satyabhama's chamber, ensuring that no one is inside. She seated herself in front of the mirror and took out the comb. She tried to braid her hair but ended up completely messing it.

"Ahh... You here.. I've found you.", came Krishna, with a broad smile in his face.

His smile changed into laughter when he saw Charu with messy hair.

Putri, what new look is this? ", asked Krishna, trying to control his laughter.

"Pitashree don't laugh. Please help me." Charumati pouted, which made Krishna giggle.

"Sure Putri, but you've to finish eating this soon after that." Replied Krishna, keeping the bowl aside, for which Charu gladly agreed.

He braided Charu's hair.

"Ah.. How's it Putri?", asked Krishna after finishing the work. "You're looking beautiful now."

"Yes Pitashree. Thank you." She replied and hugged him.

After having some food, she ran from there, astonishing Krishna.

"I've had enough Pitashree. I don't want to eat anymore." she replied and kept running towards garden.

Krishna followed her to the garden but she vanished into the garden more faster.

After a couple of minutes of searching her, he finally found her under a tree.

She was busy jumping, to pluck the mango from the tree. But as the tree is taller than her, she couldn't do so.

Suddenly, she felt two arms lifting her up. She pluked the mango and saw down to see who lifted her on the shoulder.

She smiled seeing her Pitashree. She plucked handful of mangoes from the tree, smiling widely.

"Putri, is that enough?! Can we go now?" Krishna asked, still carrying her on his shoulders.

"Yes Pitashree, leave me down." Charu replied.

"No, I'll carry you to our Palace. Till then enjoy this ride." Krishna said, gripping her gently.

While Krishna walked carrying her, she tickled Krishna's neck which made him laugh out loud while she laughed at him.

The corridor is filled with the sound of laughter, as the father-daughter duo lived one of their best moments of their life.

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