The dance

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Harry's POV:

I mess with my tie for five minutes before Hermione offers to help.
"Thanks for the help. For some reason, I have no fashion sense." I joke. I glance at the mirror to check my outfit. A berry red shirt and white suit jacket with normal dress pants. I adjust my tie again as Ron stalks in.
"Are they that bad?" He whines miserably. "Mom still hasn't bought new ones."
I sympathetically pat him on the shoulder and he just looks more upset.
"Guys we actually need to go soon." Hermione says.
I sigh. "Time to meet our mystery kid."

*literally like ten minutes later in the great hall*

"This was a bad idea."
Even just showing up to the dance has given me a huge crowd. Girls who are interested in me, fanboys????, Pesky authors trying to scandalize me and my friends, etc etc. I find Neville and Luna hanging out and leave everyone behind (as best I can) to go talk to them.

"Hey guys."
"Harry! How have you been?"
"I'm good. How are you doing Neville."
"Just fine! Luna and I have been talking a lot. Did you know her dad writes 'The Quibbler'?"
I smile. "I didn't."
"It's so cool!" His eyes light up in excitement. "They're devoted to the truth!"
"He sounds great."
I look over to Luna, who's reading something.
"What're you reading?"
She looks up. "It's a book about plants. Neville showed it to me." He blushes and I smile at him. "Have a nice dance guys."

I walk away from them and realize I don't recognize anyone around me. Ron and Hermione have disappeared along with most  Gryffindors I know. I feel a tap on my shoulder and spin around quickly. A masked figure stands in front of me. I quickly study him. He's wearing a forest green shirt and black suit jacket.
"Dance with me."
He takes my hand and pulls me into the dance. We box-step around the room to slow music. He leads because I have no dancing skills.
"Who are you?"
"Does it matter? Even if I tell you you won't care."
"I'm curious. Why did you send me the note? Why not just ask?"
"If I had asked you, would you have come? You wanted to solve the mystery."
"I... I might have." 
He smiles. "I don't take chances. I wanted to know you'd be here."
"I was probably going to come anyways. For Ron and Hermione."
"I also wanted to see if you could guess who I am. That was too much to ask. Even the 'chosen one' wouldn't suspect what doesn't make sense."
The clock chimes ten, the end of the dance. He steps away and bows. "Farewell then. I hope to see you again."
"I still don't understand."
He waves and walks away. I stay for a moment, indecisive, before running after him. I spot him going down the stairs, mask in hand. He runs his fingers through his hair. It's blonde.

I accidentally started writing the third chapter in this one. Haha whoops.

Dance With Me (Drarry) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now