"I was brought here against my will," Rose said from behind me, groaning and handing Tommy his drink and wiping her straw before she sipped from it. She noticed Don and Dre's slightly offended facial expressions and continued, "No offense...I just hate— "

"Being social?" I said smiling in her direction.

"No." she said glaring at me, "I just hate In-N-Out."

Everyone at the table, but Tiffany and Tommy gasped in unison.

"You know that's like ten times worse than just saying you hate us, right?" Don said jokingly.

"Hey! I don't hate you guys! Honestly, I didn't even know that Dre and Jabez existed until today." She said glancing my direction for a millisecond.

"Who the fuck hates In-N-Out?" I said as I sitting down next to Don at the table.

"A person who doesn't eat beef," she responded in a snappy tone of voice.

"Settle down, piranha." Tiffany said, causing Rose to deeply inhale than exhale.

She smiled in my direction and said,"Sorry, It's been a long day. I had this annoying lab partner earlier today. He really drained the life out of me." She said squinting and cocking her head to the side.

"Don't worry, I totally get it. Mine was a complete bitch," I said with a smirk.

Rose bit the inner corner of her mouth in attempts to keep herself from smiling.

"What are you? Vegetarian?" Dre asked, taking a large bite of his burger.

"Oh fuck no." Rose said causing me to chuckle,"No offense to the vegetarian community, but I personally LOVE meat—just not red meat."

I looked at her and realized she was the only one who hadn't ordered any type of food yet, "Well, have you tried In-N-Out's animal fries?" I asked, slightly lifting one eyebrow.

"Nope," she responded, squinting slightly. Looking as if she was trying to crack my code.

"Well you will today," I said standing up and grabbing her arm, "My treat."

For a moment, I looked back at Tommy and he gave me simple warning look. I nodded and proceeded to take my hand off of her forearm. I gestured towards the register and smiled, "After you."

Hesitantly, she walked towards to register and I followed suit. As I walked behind her I couldn't help, but glance down at her butt. A smile crept it's way onto my face and I couldn't help but softly bite my lower lip.

"Jabez?" Rose said innocently, turning around and looking me in the eyes. I could tell she'd asked me a question I just wasn't sure what the question was. "Sorry, say that again?"

"What am I ordering?" She said looking slightly annoyed with my delayed response. I smiled and walked towards the counter, "Two orders of animal fries please."

Rose held her hand out to stop me and looked towards the cashier, "Make that one order of animal fries."

I furrowed my brows and looked back at her.

"I'll just have a couple of yours," She said quickly and then smiled back at the cashier.

"Nah, 'cause you're gonna end up liking them and eating all of mine. Two please." I said grabbing my wallet out of my back pocket and looking over at Rose, who was mean mugging me.

"What if I don't like them?" She said crossing her arms and cocking her head to the side.

"Trust me, you will. And if you don't I'll finish yours," I looked back at the cashier and handed her my card, "Sorry. She's a handful." I said laughing and nodding towards Rose.

"He may be cute, but the cuteness washes away after the first five minutes--after that he's just obnoxious," Rose said smirking as she looked at the cashier.

The cashier awkwardly smiled at us and then proceeded to go get our fries.

"I knew it," I said smiling and continuing to look forward.

"Knew what?" Rose she scrunching her eyebrows and grabbing some napkins from the dispenser in front of us.

"You think I'm cute," I said looking at her, waiting for her to respond. It was the first time I'd ever seen her at a loss of words. She opened her mouth to speak, but was conveniently interrupted by the cashier handing us our fries and forks.

"Try 'em." I said gesturing my fork towards her. She reluctantly brought a fork of fries to her mouth and began to chew. "You can say it, I was right."

"Yeah, whatever." She said continuing to eat them as she walked past me and joined our friends at the table.


sooooo, what do y'all think so far? Is Jabez growing on Rose? How do you think Tommy is gonna react to Jabez's mini-crush on Rose?

Vote, Comment, and Share! Much Love <3

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