Sir pentious x reader lemon oneshot

Start from the beginning

"Whatsss the matter?" He asked concerned as he slithers closer to me, his hair falling back down.

"Stay there." I make the knives move closer to him, my vision started to blur as I leaned against the wall. My legs started to give out as I sat on the ground.

"Miss?" He questioned again moving slightly closer

"Food. Do you have any?" I ask leaning my head against the wall trying to stop the spinning.

"Not on me, back in my house." He explains pointing towards the metal contraption quite a ways away.

"Damn it." I whisper as black dots inter my vision, it sounds like I am underwater as he asks me something over and over again. Soon my vision goes dark as I feel something pick me up. I try to open my eyes again as I get a glimpse of Sir pent carrying me before It all goes dark.


I wake up quickly, sitting up and looking around. I first notice a bed with silk yellow and black stripped sheets, and black blanket. Next a desktop with food. I lunge at meal and scarf it down quickly looking around the room. It was a Victorian era house, honestly quite beautiful. I stand up feeling a lot better with food in my system, I walk up to the dark wood door and try the Handel. Locked. I place my ear against the door hearing a voice talk.

"Boss! I think she's awake."a voice says as I back away from the door and ready my knives. The door swings open as I see sir pent smiling at me.

"Please miss I am here to help." He speaks as I feel myself shake. I'm still malnourished.

"No one in hell just helps, what's the catch?" I ask grabbing onto the bed post so I don't fall down.

"Well as a gentleman I am required to pay someone back for helping me, I owe you." He replies as my knives disappeared, I'm to weak to use them right now.

"How did I help you?" I asked confused as I started to fall. Sir pent was able to catch me just in time as he set me back on the bed.

"You knocked out cherry bomb, I was able to expand my turf even further because of that. And for that I owe you." He replies covering me with the blankets, "now please rest, the faster you get better the faster my debt is paid. When you feel better I got you some new clothes , they are in the bathroom. You should bathe you smell."

"Thank you?" I respond not really knowing if that was a nice thing. He started slithering out of the room, "um Sir Pent"

"Yess?" He questioned looking back

"Thank you, really." I speak as his hood thing flares up and his face turns red for just a second before it goes down and he clears his throat.

"Don't thank me, Just repaying a debt," he crossed his arms and looked away. He closed the door looking back at me quickly before shutting it completely. I laugh a little at the action and lay down in the nice bed. I haven't slept in a bed in a long time, and sleep comes swiftly.

"Boss likes this one." I hear a voice say as I feel pressure on my stomach

"She does have a pretty face." Another voice says as something pokes me. I open my eyes to see a little egg boi staring at me, he had on a little suite and top hat. I yell slightly as I sit up and see another one on my stomach.

"Hi miss!" One says as I look at both of them

"Hi?" I respond as they get up and start to walk away.

"Bye miss!" The other says as the close the door behind them.

"Bye?" I speak trying to wrap my head around what those things were. I ignore it as I stand up and walk towards the bathroom. I look in the mirror and already I can see an improvement. I look better. I undress quickly walking over to the shower.

Sir pentious x reader lemon Where stories live. Discover now