Video Actress

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I walked into my office. I couldn't stop thinking about Axl.  Wow. He made my heart flip. I love my Nikki but what Axl made me feel in 2 minutes Nikki never has.

I sighed loudly. Too loudly. I greeted my Secretary and she gave me an odd look.

"Too much chocolate for my earrings"? I teased.

She laughed. I walked and stopped cold.  There it was. A single white rose on my desk. Once a week I get this. I don't know who it is but there's always a note attached.

Today's reads:  Stay beautiful. Shine as only you can.

Ugh. This really creeps me out. I should call Paul, my best friend who is also a prosecutor.

I won't though. He's busy and so am I. I'll tell Nikki.  He is very protective of me. He is very sweet that way. But, clearly this isn't going to just go away, I need to tell my Nikki. He will take care of it.

I sat down and my Secretary buzzed me. My agent and manager were here. We had to discuss my upcoming appearances and shoots and the business aspect of my modeling.

They came in looking like two hit men. Dark suits.  Dark glasses. "Hi Derek. Hi Phil" .  They greeted me back and we all sat around a conference table.

The usuals , contracts to look over, offers, accepting and rejecting. I was considering signing a multi million dollar contract with Revlon.  Offer was nice,money even better.

"So, we have one more offer for u to look over," Phil said.

"What is it"?

He cleared his throat. "A job offer came in like literally 3 minutes ago. A video actress for the band Guns N' Roses".

I almost dropped my coffee...again. I bolted upright in my chair. "What"?

Phil and Derek exchanged glances clearly shocked at my over the top response.

"The band's management called and asked if you were available to shoot a three part video with the band. I said I would discuss it with you and discuss payment and..."

His voice trailed off as I lit a cigarette.  Shocking because there's no smoking in the building.  "I will do it".

I kicked them out of my office and cleaned up. I still had sticky stuff on me from the Dunkin Donuts mishap. I changed into a red lacy tank top, skinny jeans and high top black boots.

I left my hair down and put in silver hoops. My hair is a black almost jet black and wild. It is very long and I can wear it straight or curly. My eyes are a smoky deep brown and I am a perfect model height. 5'10.

I try to look my absolute best at all times. I have an appearance and image to uphold but I love getting in my pajamas and eating ice cream.

I've been told and called the most beautiful model in the industry right now. Stunning, gorgeous, breath taking but to me, I'm still just plain Harley.

I get the necessary information from my Secretary and get ready to drive to the studio where I'm going to meet the band.

Most models have a limo I prefer to drive myself. I smoke, play my music and sing too loudly and way off key.

I picked up my phone to call Nikki. He answered on the first ring. "Hello".

Great. He was cranky.

"Hi. I'm heading to my next gig and wanted to check in see how it's going there".

Nikki sighed. "Terrible. I need a drink babe Bad. I'm going to flip out and murder Vince. I'm about to fire his skinny ass"!

"Baby, don't drink. Its not worth it.  Just walk outside or something. Get away from it".

He bitched for a few more minutes then hung up. He needs to stay sober.  After all his bitching I didn't even get the chance to tell him about my weird rose stalker dude.

I was lost in thought then looked up and saw I was here. Oh boy. I'm here! I felt like throwing up!

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