Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

Eve's POV

"Eve are you ready?" My mom called from downstairs. "Yeah, I'll be down in a second." I threw on my leather jacket and walked down the stairs. "Hey mom." I hugged her, to welcome her home. I fell asleep pretty early yesterday and mom and Dad where out this morning so I haven't seen her yet. "Hey sweetie. You look nice." "Thanks mom, so do you." I smiled at her. My mom wore a nice red dress with black tights and a cardigan, to keep her warm. She wore her dark brown hair open, letting it fall down her shoulders. My mom was small and slim, it looked really funny when she stood next to my tall and broad shouldered Dad. My Dad walked down the stairs wearing some dark red shirt and black trousers. "You guys ready to go?" He asked grabbing his coat and keys. "Sure." We both said, so we left the house and drove over to Ada's place. "So honey, tell me something about your new girl." My Mom turned around in the passenger seat to look at me. "She's not my girl." I said to gain some time. "yet." I whispered. "What do you mean by that honey?" "It's just that we're taking it slow so we haven't made it official yet. We kind of always forgot to ask when we were together." "Anyway, tell me about her." "Well her name is Ada, we started our friendship with somewhat of a misunderstanding, which led to a fight shortly after Christmas, but we worked it out a few weeks later, and kind of started dating after that. She's the star player of the basketball team, which she is amazing at. She's also really good at playing the piano, even though she can barely sing. I mean her voice is not that bad, but she's always like three octaves below the actual singer. Her cooking is amazing, that you'll see today. She's really tall and handsome, you could almost think she's a guy, which she kind of is. She identifies as gender fluid. She's really nice and friendly, she cares a lot. She's also really good with children. She's currently thinking about studying game design and development, because she doesn't want to leave the country to study culinary arts. Also because then she can continue playing basketball for her university team, since most culinary schools don't have a team. Well, I think if there is anything else you want to know, then you can ask her yourself." "Well I don't think there is anything else to know." She smiled at me before she turned back around. Dad pulled into the driveway and I could see that both of them were astonished by the huge house. "Wow." "Oh yeah, her mom is the principal of my school and she has like four siblings." "That is still a huge house." "Well Sarah wants to have enough space, so that if she finds someone new, she can take them in." We got out of the car and walked over to the door. We waited a few minutes before I could hear Ada on the other side of the door. "Ruby, what did I tell you about running around the house and especially the kitchen?" "That it's dangerous." The little girl answered. "Then why did you run?" "Because I got excited when Eve rang the doorbell." "Honey, you need to be more careful and you also know that you shouldn't open the door alone." "Okay, but can I open it now?" "Yes, you may." The door opened and revealed Ada and the little girl. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Craik. It's nice to see you again Mr. Craik and it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Craik." Ada said smiling, while Ruby ran to me and hugged my legs. I leaned down and picked her up. "Hello little princess." My parents greeted Ada while the small girl told me that she missed me and that I have to come over more often. I promised her to do just that and to watch a movie with her soon. My parents turned around to us. "And who is this little girl?" My Mom asked with a raised eyebrow. "My niece Ruby. My sister Sam usually works Saturday afternoons, so Ruby spend most of her Saturdays with me. Which is also how she met Eve when we hung out a few weeks ago." "Ah, nice to meet you Ruby. I'm Rai and this is my husband Chris, we're Eve's parents." "Hello." Ruby said and waved before she went back to hugging me. "Well, do you guys want to come inside?" Ada questioned and we followed her into the hallway. "I am terribly sorry but the food isn't done yet, since some little girl decided to distract me and eat more than actually cook. So would it be okay for you to wait in the living room with my sister?" "Don't worry sweetie. Take all the time you need, we'll be fine." My Mom said patting Ada's arm, since she couldn't reach any higher. "Thank you." Ada lead my parents to the living room and I followed them with Ruby on my arm. "Hey Ally, Jenna, can you keep Mr. and Mrs. Craik some company instead of sucking each other's faces of?" "Yeah sure. "Jenna called from the couch and you could see them sitting up. My Mom sat down on the couch next to them and greeted Jenna, introducing herself to Ally and discussing what is happening in the Orphan black episode that they were watching. My Dad just sat there looking at my Mom interacting with my friends. I'm glad he's not interrogating Ada again, but I'm sure that is going to come soon. "I would need my sous chef again." Ada said next to me. "Nah, I'm taking a break, you can finish yourself." Ruby said not letting go of me. "Well I guess you're on your own with that. I'll go watch some Orphan Black and tell the little princess all my secrets." I walked past a sulking Ada who slowly retreated to the kitchen. We were all chatting in the living room, when we heard a muffled "fuck" from the kitchen. "Well I guess the great chef is nothing without their sous-chef." I said to the little girl sitting on my lap. "You better go look what she's done now." Ally said next to me. "Nah, you can go." Ruby left my lap, climbing over to Ally and Jenna. I sighed and went over to the kitchen. Ada was standing at the sink, rinsing her hand while frowning down at it. "Hey, what did you do?" I asked walking over to her. "I accidently touched the pan." She said, turning of the water. "Let me see." I carefully took her hand and inspected the damage. Her pinky finger and the base of her hand were a bright red. "Do you have something to ease the pain?" I asked letting go of her hand. "Yeah in the cabinet over there." She went over grabbing the burn ointment. I took it from her and carefully rubbed in the ointment. "Thanks." She smiled down at me. "No problem." I returned her smile. "So how can I help you?" "Oh, it's okay. I'm nearly done." She said, turning around to the stove. She put on some gloves before pulling the food out of the stove. I sat down at the counter. "So what did you cook?" "Duck with fried rice and some vegetables, I also made something for Jenna." "Cool I haven't had duck in ages?" "Really?" "Yeah, ever since my Mom isn't home to cook anymore." I watched her as she arranged the food on plates, placing them in the dining room. When she came back into the kitchen, I stood up and walked towards her. "Haven't you forgotten something?" She frantically looked around the kitchen. "No. I don't think so. Why?" "Really? Think further back?" She tried but her mind came up empty. "I think you were so nervous meeting my parents that you totally forgot to greet me." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "Oh, I'm sorry." She came closer to me. "Good evening honey, I missed you." "You missed me? We've seen each other yesterday." I said still not happy with her greeting. "I already missed you when I got into my car. I also missed you when I went into the dining room." "Really? Then why haven't I gotten a proper greeting." "Because I forgot." Ada said. "Do you want your greeting now?" "Of course, when else would you want to give it to me? When I'm leaving?" She smiled. Then she leaned down, cupped my face with her hands and kissed me. She pulled back after a few seconds, making me groan. "Hello honey." She said before leaning back in, kissing me again. This time it lasted longer. We nearly had a full on make out session in the kitchen, but Ada pulled back breathing heavily. "Maybe we better get the others before the food gets cold." She said panting. I nodded pulling her back in, kissing her again. I let go of her a bit later and walked away saying I'd get my parents, Ally and Jenna from the living room. She stood there in a trance before she shook it of going upstairs to get the others. Just when we all sat down Sam came through the door joining us. We all started eating and chatting. It was a really nice dinner, we all got along really well. It was never awkward and Ada's cooking was amazing. My parents complimented it more than once and my Dad totally forgot to interrogate her. After diner we all sat around in the living room for a while longer. When it got late my parents decided to go home but they told me that it's okay if I wanted to spend the night with Ada. I didn't want to leave just yet so I gladly accepted the offer. It was also good for my parents to have some alone time. Ada and I went up to her room at around 10 p.m. and we laid on her bed watching a movie and occasionally making out. It was perfect to spend time with her like that. "Hey Eve." Ada whispered while her hand went through my hair. "Hmmm." I looked up at her face from my position on her chest. "I know this isn't the most romantic setting but I always forget this when we're on a date or anything but..." She rambled on and I smiled up at her. "So do you want to be my girlfriend?" She finally asked, making me smile even wider. "Of course. I would love to." I said leaning up and kissing her again.

Ada's POV

It's Tuesday now and instead of listening to the teacher in front of meI'm thinking back to the weekend. Eve stayed over at my place and I finallyasked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes and we made out for a bit before wefell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms. Today we'll go to the concertafter school and I'm so excited. Alex, Jack and I'll probably go into the mosha few times but I'm not sure if Eve will do that with us. The bell finally rangand I jumped out of my seat and to my locker. We decided to go out and eatsomething before going to the venue like an hour before doors open. Eve met meat my locker and we kissed for a while before Alex and Jack showed up. "Come onlovebirds I'm starving." Jack groaned. We laughed at him and I closed my lockerwalking out of the school with them. We all piled into Jacks car and he droveus to a dinner somewhere in town. We all got out of the car and sat down in abooth. After we all ordered our burgers and Milkshakes we all leaned back tochat a bit. "So Eve is this your first concert?" Jack asked with a raisedEyebrow. "Actually no. I went to a few concerts when I was dating myex-boyfriend and then after that with my best friend in Seattle. I kind ofstopped when I started dating Isabel." "Why?" Jack didn't really know whatIsabel was like while dating. "She didn't really like concerts." Eve shrugged."How can you not like concerts?" Alex questioned confused and offended. "WellIsabel doesn't like a lot of things." Eve said just before she attacked herburger. After that we just chatted for a bit while eating our burgers, beforewe went to the venue. "I'm so not in the mood to sit in there for an hourbefore the show starts." Alex moaned leaning against Jack. "I downloaded anepisode of breaking bad, we could sit down and watch that." Eve said leaningher back against my front when we stand in the queue. "You are a lifesaver."Jack said, wrapping his arm around Alex's shoulder. "I try my best." We all jokedaround a bit until the doors opened. We piled into the venue and got our placein the second row. A bit to the center of the stage but still stage left. Weall sat down and watched the episode on Eve's phone. About ten minutes beforethe show starts, Jack Alex and I began to retie our shoes. "What are you guysdoing?" Eve questioned. "Preparing ourselves for the pit." Alex said in a duhtone. "Oh." Eve looked kind of scared, so I got up, wrapping my arms around her."Babe you don't have to go into the pit with us." I said looking down at her."I want to. I'm just a little scared. A friend of mine got really hurt in a pitonce." "I promise you, I'll protect you." "We'll see. Maybe I'll come with youguys." I smiled down at her and kissed her. "Come on lovebirds the show isstarting." Jack said while getting up. The two support bands were really good,they really heated things up and it got sweaty very fast. There were already afew pits and crowd surfers but we all waited for the two main bands. Neck deepstarted their set with "Citizens of Earth." And everyone lost their shit. Weall waited a few songs till Eve felt ready and the we ran into the new formingpit. We all jumped around, crashing into other people and screaming along tothe lyrics until we ran out of breath and retreated to the sides where westarted laughing. We did this for a few songs until the band said they wantedto "tone it down for a bit." Which basically meant they'd play lime St.. Alexand I sang along passionately. Afterwards we went back into the pit but Evedecided to stay in the second row. When they played "What did you expect."Alex, Jack and I got onto the crowd and surfed our way to the front. I foundEve in the crowd and we fought our way through to her, which wasn't that hardwith the constantly moving crowd. We stayed there for the rest of the set.During "December" I nearly started crying so Eve turned around and hugged me. Ilooked down at her with teary eyes. "Hey, I came back to you, and I'll stay foras long as you want me." I leant down and kissed her. When I pulled away fromher, Neck deep started playing the last song. During the break Alex and Jackwent to get us some water to regain our energy. Eve and I stood there in the crowdhugging each other and talking about everything that came to mind. Just when Ileaned down and kissed her again, the boys came back. They gave each of us acup and I quickly drank it all. We all chatted for a bit more before StateChamps went on stage. Again we went into the pit for half of the songs, takinga break here and there just to go back in the next song. When the show finishedwe all bought another cup of water before we all went back to the car and Jackdrove us all to my house. Eve stayed the night since both her parents weren'thome. So when we got to my room we changed and got under the covers. I wrappedmy arm around her waist and wished her a good night, before we both drifted offto sleep

It's Ada(m) and Eve, not Adam and SteveWhere stories live. Discover now