Darren smiled at the memory. "But I really thought Yue's so sweet doing all those for Dylan. I was actually happy when they became the best of friends. I really thought Di has feelings for her, you know. I thought Dylan has fallen in love with her, that's why I was surprised when Fei Fei became Dylan's girl. I saw how hurt Yue was but she handled it well. Even when things got really messy, Yue stuck it out with Di. To have made that sacrifice for him and his family is really something. And it was a shame how bad it turned out for Yue. I love Di but at one point I was itching to punch him in the face."

Caesar couldn't help but guffaw at Darren's statement about wanting to punch Dylan. Among his friends, Darren is the mild-mannered one and hearing him say that was just unbelievably hilarious. He teased Darren about it and both of them laughed at the irony of his statement.

Both of them were so engrossed with what they were talking about that they didn't notice Dylan was standing by the doorway. And had heard every word that they said. Unable to listen anymore, he decided to just go out and drive around. He picked up his car keys and slammed the door on his way out.

Caesar and Darren were both surprised to hear the door slam. They both stood up immediately to check on Dylan but when they opened the door, all they saw was him driving away.


Dylan felt bad about leaving his friends just like that. But he knows he will lose it if they try to talk to him about Yue. He doesn't want to cry in front of them anymore. He doesn't want them to look at him with pity. And hearing them talk about all the things Yue did for him since they met, he felt like his heart would burst from pain and regret.

He felt tears streaming down his face as he was reminded yet again that Yue left him. And try as he might, he couldn't find her. It's as if she vanished into thin air. All he wanted was to see Yue. And ask for her forgiveness. He would grovel at her feet. He will be her servant. Anything. He just needs to see her. He wants to make sure she's okay.

He tried everything just to find Yue. He spoke to Xiaowen but she told him that she doesn't know where she is. No one in her office knows where she is but that she will be on indefinite leave. Getting desperate, he went to the Shen's mansion and searched every room just in case Yue is hiding there but she's not. He even plucked the courage to call her father. But he refused to speak to him.

Even the private investigators that he hired cannot find any information on Yue's whereabouts. There was just one person he hadn't spoken to. Jia. He's sure she knows where Yue is. But Caesar firmly told him not to approach her. He has tried many times but Caesar won't let him. To hell with that. He doesn't care anymore if his friend gets mad at him. He has to find Yue.


There was a soft knock on the door and her assistant came inside her office. "Ms. Jia, you have a visitor. He said his name is Dylan Wang. Will I let him in?"

Jia frowned. "What in the world is Dylan Wang doing here?" She pondered on whether she would talk to him or send him away. "Might as well get this over with." She then instructed her assistant to let him in.

Jia readied herself in facing Dylan. She has been adamant on not seeing him before since she was seething with anger over what he did to Yue and she was afraid to lose control over her emotions. Maybe this is the right time to talk to him.

She was gearing for confrontation but she was taken aback as she saw how Dylan looked. She almost didn't recognize him. He lost a lot of weight. He looks pale, his cheeks hollow. And his eyes look empty and haunted. It was obvious he wasn't doing well.

This was the first time she saw him since Yue left. And seeing him looking like shit, she couldn't help but feel a little bit of sympathy for him against her will. Jia stood up from behind her desk and asked Dylan to sit down in her receiving area.

TrappedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora