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DISCLAIMER I own nothing but the York family who are based off of some friends of mine, everything else belongs to the wonderful J.K. Rowling who wrote the amazing books, if I did I wouldn't be writing this right now would I? Anyway, ENJOY!!!

It had been about 5 years since he had learned of his heritage. It had been about 4 since he permanently moved in with his mom. He, of course, knew of his real parents and why they had died and his fame, but he really tried his hardest to not think of that; he only wanted to be known for what he felt he had truly achieved, and deep down he knew the defeat of Voldemort had nothing to do with him. That didn't stop him though, from doing everything he could to reach his full potential.

He seemed to devour any book he was handed, magical or mundane, and instantly picked up on not only potion making but wandless magic, which his mother did her best to contain here excitement and awe at, yet what he excelled most in was never in question. Harry loved ballet as much as he did when he saw the Royal Ballet, if not more. He progressed more and more every day and began competing just after he moved in with his mom.

 He had been so excited at that first competition. He finally had clothes that fit him, was accepted for his grades, even boosted up a year group, and he could now dance without fear whenever he liked, but, the best of all, he had his very own mommy. He had always wanted a mommy to look after him, like all the other mommy's did for all of their children, yet he had never truly had one, no matter how nice Mrs Figg was to him before. Now he really did have a mommy, one who he could never be taken away from thanks to all the paperwork they had done together. She even let him help!

He danced his heart out in that competition and every lesson and competition since, to show his mom how grateful he was. He danced just for her. And dance he did. 

Despite these achievements, they never once spilled over and caused a big head, in fact he seemed to have a layer of innocence around him, making friends with everyone he ever met and helping all those he could. 

He had made the best of those friends in his first ever dance lesson. She had defended him when all of those girls laughed, saying a boy could never be good at ballet, and continued to to this day. They relied on each other, and the only time they were really apart was in class, as she had not been accelerated along with harry, yet he worked with her every day to ensure she could join him in year 8 when school started again, rather than go to year 7. It was on one of these particular lessons that he had a realization

He would be going to Hogwarts. He would leave Ellie, who's short stature was defied by her sharp attitude which seemed to melt away when she let go and just danced, who had squealed more than him when he got his first point shoes, who's light brown hair seemed to dance along with her, who had so much grace on the stage, the completion had no chance.

Catching his crestfallen look, she took his hand. She told him of the wonders he would see at Hogwarts that they had read of together, of her promise to plan the biggest holiday ever in the summer and to never fall out of contact or practice. As soon as she saw the smile light his face, she jumped on him and tickled him until she forced out a promise to send a picture of every nook and cranny. "And the moving kind please mister!"

And so the matter was pushed to the back of their minds, not really pondered on but never forgotten- that was at least until halfway through the holidays when a knock came on the door whilst her and her family were over to enjoy a barbecue whilst the heat lasted.

Harry and Ellie were up in his (their) room, looking over the point shoes her parents had gotten him for his birthday, whilst missy, his new tiny jack russel puppy, was sprawled on his bed. He was just lacing them up, Ellie putting on her own pair, when a knock on the door sounded. His Aunt Becky shouted that she'd get it, causing them to go back to their tasks, not worrying about it- they would be called if they were needed. Harry felt a small urge for it to be his uncle Moony, who he had been introduced to at age 7 and instantly took to, yet squashed it after all, he was still recovering from the full moon from the previous night and would come bearing birthday wishes the next day.

 Becky opened the door to see one of the oddest women she had ever laid eyes on looking back at her. She had a tight bun on her head, of the darkest black yet streaks of grey were peeking through, along with a stern gaze that was only slightly blocked by her thin, square rimmed glasses and a heavy tartan pantsuit. Overall Becky was grateful for her own loosely pinned hair and flowy dress, as this lady couldn't possibly be comfortable.

She gave a polite smile, instantly seeming to set the strange lady at ease. "is this the residence of Ellie York? There were two listed and this was the closest so I decided to check here first," the lady inquired.

Becky was apprehensive at first as she couldn't remember ever listing this as an address, but relaxed easily when remembering whose house she was in. her and Aberella had always wondered but really didn't have the heart to get Ellie's hopes up.... She would be so happy!

She ushered her in, explaining how they spent as much time here as at home as this was where Ellie's best friend that she had since the age of 5 lived, and it was almost an impossible task to separate them, causing the lady to look slightly guilty and Becky to smirk inwardly, not even Hogwarts would split these two.

The woman introduced herself as professor McGonagall as she sat on the sofa and Becky poured an extra cup of tea for her unexpected guest and stew and Aberella came in, introducing herself as a close aunt. And so the tale began, of magic and the war and the founders and the school. Just as the part of Ellie's magic came to discussion, a soft patter began above them, gaining a steady rhythm that most in the room recognised as point shoes, yet left the newest occupant bewildered.

Seeing the look, Scott laughed, and explained that they dance, and were simply trying the new point shoes her friend had received for his birthday the previous day.

"Speaking of birthdays from yesterday," the professor began, "a boy lives with his aunt and uncle just over the road, he will be joining you at Hogwarts, you might know him, Harry Potter"

This set them all off into giggles. "I think you'll find professor, he lives here" Becky breathed through her outbursts. 

At yet another look of bewilderment from McGonagall, Aberella decided that it was time to properly introduce herself. "Why Minerva, I'm surprised you don't remember one of your oldest friends. I was sent to protect the boy and couldn't just sit by, I had to adopt the poor lad. He of course, knows all about his aunt Minnie"

"Abby! It's no wonder I didn't recognize you, you look years younger, I must stay mother hood truly suits you."

Calling the kids down, a day of laughter and happy tears ensued, with Aunt Minnie staying the day for the barbecue and a small recital from the two overjoyed friends. 

They were going to Hogwarts! 

Thanks for reading, for now I'm going to upload the first few chapters but after that it will be once a week, anywho, i hope you enjoy it all!

-luna xxx

The BalletOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora