Beautiful Mess

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She lays asleep in bed, her hair spread out around her head, the moonlight pressed up against her shoulder blade. I press my lips along her collarbone which causes her eyes to flutter open. She glances at me, closes her eyes again and smiles."You're beautiful." I say. "You're drunk." She replies jokingly. She was beautiful but didn't know it. I remind her everyday. I watch her, my eyes traveling up and down her body. In that moment I knew for sure I was in love with her. It had crossed my mind several times but I have always easily dismissed it. I love every part of her. Her excited, wandering eyes, her delicate fingers, her soft and beautiful hair, her long, tan legs... But most of all, her old and beautiful soul. She is so wise that when you hear her speak you question her age. And her love for books and music. You would always find her curled up with a book, a cup of coffee and earbuds in her ear or with music softly playing from a stereo. I've seen it a million times yet each and every time I have to take a moment to watch the way her eyes move across the page and the way her lips rest on the rim of her mug for a just a little to long, the way her leg bounces to the rhythm of the music or her foot taps quietly against the couch. The lovely way she nestles her head into mine when I walk up behind her, wrap my arms around her small frame and kiss her neck. The amazing way her skin always tastes like lavender and honey. She is addicting and every time I see her again I fall a little more in love with her. I run my finger along her bare arm and she shivers. I smile. Her shirt has raised itself over her belly. I begin to trace circles on her naked abdomen. She smiles faintly. I love her smiles. To earn another one I suckle on her ear. She giggles and pushes my face away softly. "Stop. I'm trying to sleep." She complains. "Baby, don't sleep just yet," I whisper into her ear. "I think that I'm in love with you." I whisper so quietly I wasn't sure she even hears. A couple of excruciatingly long seconds later she opens one eye and looks at me. I bite the corner of my lip nervously. She smiles, rolls on top of me cradling my hips with her legs and grabs the side of my face, planting a soft and gentle kiss on my lips. I smile and she pulls away a little. "Took you long enough." She mumbles against my lips. I was in love with her and there was no denying it any longer.

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