Chu Jian's back was leaning against the fish tank. She pressed her lips together, relaxed them again, then glanced at Jian Bianlin...

The families simply knew each other too well, inside and out. Chu Jian's mom discovered that the preparation work she had once done ahead of time—such as liberally allowing herself to think through the scenario of the first meeting with her future son-in-law and how she would interrogate him, from his family background to his highest education level, or even researching and making connections in order to be ready to verify whether any university certificate of graduation was falsified—was... all useless.

At the end of the day, she merely gave a joyful "mm" and converted the long, complicated steps into a couple of simple sentences: "What are your plans? When are the two of you planning on having the wedding?"

"Mom!" Chu Jian felt that if the glass were not so thick and strong, she could crush the fish tank under her. "Mom..." But in the end, after two cries of "Mom," her mind was still blank, and she could not squeeze out any additional words.

The room was extremely quiet.

Extremely quiet.

"Jian Bianlin." Jian Bianlin's dad had an ugly expression on his face.

What came next was a firing of Cantonese that burst uncontrollably from the lips of Jian Bianlin's dad, with the general meaning as follows: "You've been a big star for too long, and you have all those bad, playboy attitudes now! Chu Jian's dad and mom are both right here, and you're still not even giving a definite answer. Let me tell you, Jian Bianlin, if you have even half a thought of just playing around, then don't even bother coming home anymore. And you don't need to call me 'Dad' anymore, either..."

Chu Jian's head shrunk low into her shoulders as she listened, and her nails dug against the glass of the fish tank behind her. Jian Bianlin listened to the rant from start to finish. At the very end, when his dad was picking up a cup of tea to moisten his throat, Jian Bianlin used this opening to give a six-word reply: "I'll defer to what she wants."

© 2013-2016 FANATICAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Good kid.

A smile simultaneously came over each of the three elders' faces.

Since the kids had said that, then they should let go of the things that should be let go of. Nowadays, people valued having the freedom to love as they chose. And so... meeting dismissed!

Of course, there was routine business that needed to be handled in due order.

Jian Bianlin's dad took Chu Jian's hand into his own, incessantly expressing how extremely happy he was and that Chu Jian could marry into the family with her mind at ease. Things would be no different from before since the one he loved most would absolutely still be Chu Jian. At the same time, Chu Jian's mom called Jian Bianlin into the kitchen and talked ceaselessly about how, ever since Chu Jian was a child, she was full of mischief, was willful, and liked to act up. Of course, those were things that she did not have to explain to Jian Bianlin, seeing as he had had to tolerate quite a bit of those traits since they were kids.

In a thick, happy atmosphere of "we'll be seeing the bright future of holding grandbabies soon" as well as "the two families are finally going to be doubly close, and when we're old, we can totally live together in the same home and take care of the grandkids together"...

Chu Jian felt so embarrassed she was cringing and could not make herself say a single word.

© 2013-2016 FANATICAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

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