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I'm Tatonya and I am 17 years old. I live in a quiet neighborhood with my mom my dad and my 12 brothers and sisters oh yeah and they are all Gods and Demons.. But I am human. My mom is a God and my Dad is a Demon. The don't have pointy ears or tails or halos they look just like everyone else. My sisters are Kelsa 18 (God) Meana 18 (God) Hellen 18 (Demon) Winny 16 (Demon) Feama (Demon) 16 Nauny (God) 16. Then my six brothers Nate (God) 18 Sky (Demon) 18 Kinicky (Demon) 18 Cinna (God) 16 Jack (Demon) 16 Kay (God) 16. My parents are really rich and adopted us all about the same time. As you can see I'm the middle child and because I am human I am treated like a baby. The special world we live in tho keeps us in high school till the age of 20. There are classes instead of grades in high school. Class A B C D E F. I'm in class C which means all the older ones are in class D and the younger ones in Class B. I try to live a normal life while living with all Gods and Demons but its hard when the only human in your school. Oh and did I happen to mention Gods and Demons are insanely gorgeous. Then there is me little old Tatonya 5"2' stander weight with blue hair colored of course. Today is like any other day I sit at lunch bored.. Alone. Listening to Sleeping with sirens.

"You make me feel low, don't make me feel low"

I sing to myself as I look up I see a guy standing in front on my and it looks like he is trying to talk to me so I take out one ear bud

"Can I help you?" I ask

"Yeah hi names Memphis I'm new here"

That's funny I don't remember seeing any new student forms in the office.

"Oh well I'm Tatonya. Sit please" I point to the chair in front of me.

I take care of any and all student edmissons and tell them about the place.

"God or Demon?" I ask while getting out my note book


Huh figured with the black hair but I always have to ask. He's quite handsome about 6" skinny with muscles. Lip pierced.

"Full name please"

"Memphis Jay Black"

I nod as I write down all the things needed

"Why are you sitting alone" he asked so suddenly

"I sit alone cause I'm the only human here and all my siblings are out today"

"Oh you're the girl I keep hearing about"

I raise one eye brow at him

"And what could it be that you are hearing"

He takes a moment to say it "some guys when I first walked in talked about a bet on who could get in your pants first"

"God damnit Damon" I whisper

"Huh?" He looked confused

"Oh nothing" I smiled and we sat for the rest of lunch in peace.

In the after noon Demons and Gods learn about their history. Since I am human I get to chose between the two. I walk in to Demon class and sit in my normal seat. Memphis walks in and smiles at me taking the seat right next to me. The class starts and we learn about the Demon and human battle of 1837. Then after 2 hours the bell rings telling me home time! As I pack my things I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Yes" I turn

Memphis smiles down at me "I don't have any friends here and I already bought tickets for a movie tonight. Do you want go with me?"

I smile and nod and we walk out of class talking about class.

I see Damon with his buddies at his locker.

"Hey dick bag" I say as I punch him in the arm "stop making bets on my vagina!" I glare at him. And his friends chuckle a bit

"Awh why it's so fun" he says winking at me. He turns his attention to Memphis. "Who's this? Your new boyfriend" he says with slight irritation

"Maybe he is" as I take Memphis's arm in mine "what do you care anyway?" I say with a smerk as I walk away with Memphis on my arm knowing the look Damon was giving us.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2014 ⏰

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