Uncomfortable. He had felt uncomfortable from simply seeing her forehead resting against such hard glass.

If by chance the brakes on the bus were suddenly slammed, her head would collide into the window.

© 2013-2016 FANATICAL hui3r.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from hui3r.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Taking advantage of a red traffic light, Jian Bianlin reached behind and grabbed a throw cushion from the backseat. He nudged her awake and handed the cushion to her. Chu Jian was a little dazed, and only after he instructed her to lean against it to sleep did she understand. With a smile that caused her eyes to disappear into squints, she laid her seat down and, hugging that cushion, continued dozing.

When their car arrived at the destination, the time was still early.

Soundlessly, he sat for a dozen or so minutes until that dozing person finally awoke. Rubbing her eyes, she asked, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"It's still early."

"It's not like it's comfortable sitting in the car." Chu Jian unfastened her seatbelt. "Let's go up first?"

Jian Bianlin thrummed two fingers against the steering wheel. "Just like that, we're going to go up? Shouldn't you do something as an expression of your feelings? ..."

Muttering a "Scoundrel!" Chu Jian pointed at her own lips, the meaning of that being, I'm too lazy to move. Come get it yourself.

It had been nearly two months now since they had officially starting dating, and there were some things that she had grown accustomed to.

For instance, he always liked to seize every opportunity to do lovey-dovey things with her. Chu Jian had even discussed this in vague terms with Tong Fei. Tong Fei's conclusion was that Jian Bianlin must be a man who had never done itbefore... But not far into their discussion, Tong Fei had begun to waver on her certainty of that and hinted to Chu Jian that there really might have been something to that romance rumour about Jian Bianlin that had once circulated around. Even Xie Bin had never directly declared it to be untrue.

Chu Jian's mind had wandered a bit.

He tousled the bangs of her hair. This time, it really was cut a little too short. The hairstylist had rather bad taste.

But... she was still very pretty.

Jian Bianlin moved in closer, blocking the view in front of her, and gently pressed his lips onto hers. "What are you thinking?" Chu Jian let out an "mmph." But before she had a chance to speak, his tongue had already slipped inside. It had been several days since he last did this, so the instant he contacted her slippery little tongue, Jian Bianlin very much felt his control slipping.

No longer satisfied with simply caressing her ear, while he pressed down on her tongue, his hand also slid down from beside her neck and, as if compelled by an unknown force, found the edge of the rounded contours of her chest...

It was too real, even through her sweater. He tightened his fingers, unable to stop himself from taking hold of it and kneading it a couple of times.

Breaths that were burning hot.

Letting out a couple of cries of "mmph," Chu Jian bumped him away. She pulled herself backward, and with eyes that had turned slightly red from anxiousness, she reminded, "We're still outside..." There was a faint nasalness to each word that she spoke. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to jump out of the vehicle, yet at the same time, she also wanted to shove him off the car.

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