Untitled Part 17

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This one sentence really excited quite a few people, and they one by one began to throw their banters back.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Knock it off! That term just sounds bad. But Jian Ge's body is truly top of the tops. It's totally got stuff worth ogling," someone replied to him.

"In his fans' own words: especially lust-invoking."


"No, no. I think the best one isn't in here. This video is missing one." Xie Bin guffawed, "The best ones are when you tease the viewer by showing something just peeking through, but at the same time, it seems like you're not quite showing anything either. Last year, he had one scene in a movie that later ended up being cut. The director specified that he only wear a suit jacket with nothing underneath it. When I have a chance, I'll go back and ask for that clip to show you guys. There's nothing cool about watching a ruffian doing things that ruffians do, but when the normally refined, serious, gentleman-type does a few ruffian things, that's the killer!"

Someone even went as far as directly sending back an audio message that contained a string of uncontrollable laughter.


© 2013-2016 FANATICAL hui3r.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from hui3r.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Feeling embarrassed from listening to all this, Chu Jian retreated off to the side to watch television alone.

She flipped through channel after channel but was unable to find one that she could watch with a settled heart. Glancing at her mobile phone, she discovered that Jian Bianlin had sent her a WeChat message a few minutes ago.

6th floor of the hotel, far east end of the white walkway that's on this side. Come down.

... So just this, and now things were considered okay between them?

Clasping her mobile phone, Chu Jian waged an internal battle for a while. Forget it. She was not going to bother quibbling with someone who was ill.

Outside, the sky was already completely dark.

The lamps illuminating this raised area were all hidden in the bushes lining the path. From time to time, several men and women wearing bathing suits and wrapped in bathrobes would walk by her. Sensuous views, oh my, such teasing, sensuous views.

All those skin-showing images from earlier on—the contours of his waistline, his collarbones, and many other shots—were still clear in her mind, and the joking banter of the people in his company still seemed to be ringing by her ears.

And now, to have views like these suddenly come at her. Although outdoor swimming pools and manmade beaches were very common to see, nevertheless, at this particular time, they still triggered some thump-thumping in her heart.

Though she did not even know what she was thump-thumping about...

© 2013-2016 FANATICAL hui3r.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from hui3r.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Following the instructions to the location that he had given, Chu Jian searched for a few minutes and then successfully found him.

Jian Bianlin certainly knew how to find good places. It was absolutely an isolated corner, around a bend, not easily detected by nearby eyes, and no one would pass by it. With one hand in his pants pocket, he was watching something tiny crawling slowly on a vine. He could not really discern what it was. He was doing this purely out of boredom as something to pass the time.

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