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"How does a submarine crash?" Isadora yelled.

"We hit some rock, you guys need wetsuits now!" Amy-Grace said hurriedly. She gave them each a rubbery suit, similar to Fiona's but in different sizes.

The sub jolted and they all slammed into the metal wall. "Get the wetsuits on, I need to go help Fiona!" Amy-Grace told them. She ran out of the room and the children pulled their wetsuits on hurriedly.

"WHAT DO WE DO?" Klaus yelled in a panicking tone.

That was when a jolting sensation went through the sub and the kids all slammed into the nearest wall. They blacked out in a matter of secomds.


When everyone came to they weren't in the sub anymore. They were on a sandy beach, blue waves gently lapping at the shore. Isadora sat up and rubbed her head.

"Where are we?"

She saw Klaus lying to her right and shook him awake.  He groaned slightly and sat up. "What is this place?" He mumbled.

"I don't know, but we need to find the others." Isadora told him, helping him up. As though she knew what had been said Amy-Grace rounded the corner.

"Are you two okay?" She asked with a concerned tone. They both nodded their heads and Klaus noticed her right arm in a makeshift leaf sling. "What happened to your arm?"

She glanced down at it quickly before looking back up at them. "I broke it in the crash, it doesn't matter, I'm ambidextrous."

Klaus and Isadora glanced at eachother with concerned expressions before following her to the camp. It was a twenty minute walk and the camp was small with a few makeshift canopy tents.

"It'll have to do for tonight." Fiona said apologetocally. "We didn't have to many supplies left."

"It's fine." Klaus said quickly. "I'm exhausted, I might just take a rest."

"Be our guest." Amy-Grace told him,  indicating sleeping blankets. Klaus wrapped himself in one of them with worried thoughts.

"How are we getting back home?"

The Reason Behind The Misfortune: Book Two Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant