|caught onto the truth.|

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~Tara's Point Of View.
Hotel Rasvigures-
I tossed and turned, my eyes not wanting to close. I sighed once again, I can't sleep. It was around 2:00 am or so, but the moon is too bright. It's so bright that I just wanted to stare at it again.

I can't help but keep thinking, how can one, turn into dust at exactly dusk? Why is Aunty so scared of not telling me? Why do some people ignore me when I ask them about mom and dad's death?

I groaned and got out of bed. I had enough of this lie. If my own aunt doesn't tell me, I will find out myself. And I don't care if I risk my life. I need to know.

Opened my window, feeling the cool breeze hit me. I was going to climb out but realised that I was still in my
White night gown, i should probably change.. I thought to myself before changing into appropriate clothing.

I finally got the courage to make the decision of jumping out of the window, but realised it was a stupid thought. It was two stories high, if I jumped, my death lath would be right in front of me.

I pulled out my curtain and used it as if it were my rope. No matter what I'm leaving this cruel place. I'm sorry Aunt Claire. But I've been trapped in this hotel for years.

I slowly slid down the 'rope' also known as my curtain sheet. I reached my foot down, I hit the ground. I took a breath in relief before jumping down and making a run for it.

Not watching where I'm going I ran as fast as I could. I then suddenly tripped over to what seemed like a piece of bark, that was grown into the ground in an odd way.

The force of the fall caused me to become dizzy. I groaned in pain as I grabbed my head, then passing out.


Waking up, I felt a ringing in my ears. I then heard two voices talking- my head shot over in the direction of the voices.

"Link! You know we cannot tell anyone about this. The whole town knows! And remember, her spirit roams around, everywhere. So we cannot tell Tara. She CANNOT find out the truth." My mother snarled at my father,

I was confused but so happy to see them, "mama!! Papa!! I'm right here!!" I yelled, they didn't even flinch- not even move. not even an inch.

"Yes but do you realise how big of a lie we're keeping?? We killed our own daughter because she found out something she didn't need to know! do you know how big of a crime that is!!" My dad growled.

I stood there, shocked and taken aback by his words. I'm... I'm dead?

My own parents killed me?

I'm a spirit?!

What is going on..

"I know I know. We killed her for a good reason. But how in god's name do we hide this from the villagers?" she asked, my eyes grew wide as everything started to make sense.

every time I ask some villagers about how my mom and dad died... they would ignore me. could that be because they can't see me? and some would reply, would that be because they were spirits... too?

I blinked a few times, tears flowing down my cheeks. the people who I love... no. the people who I thought I loved betrayed me. why.. what did I ever do?..

I finally broke and screamed as loud as I could. I look over at them and saw their scared expression, I glared at them realising that they finally noticed I was there.

they backed away in horror, I walked towards them. as soon as I tried to touch them, they disappeared into thin air.

I looked around frantically, calling out to them. of course, no answer. I couldn't believe this. not even a little. why did this happen to me. and why didn't aunt Cla-

oh my god... Aunt Claire... if I can see her, talk to her and interact with her.. that means she's dead too..


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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