One of his hands rested on her waist underneath her shirt, the other pressed against the bed next to her head so he could hold himself up slightly and not crush her. She tangled her fingers in his hair, thinking that surely there was no better feeling in this world than the sensation of kissing Edoardo Incanti.

His lips were suddenly gone from hers, moving to kiss along her jaw and down her neck. She pulled his face back to hers before running her hands down his chest and pushing against it so he'd roll onto his back. His hands gripped her hips as she shifted to sit on top of him. She leaned down to kiss him, her hair falling like a curtain around them.

Jesus Christ he could kiss.

They kissed for a few moments longer, before Edoardo pulled away.

"I need a break."

Eleonora grinned. He'd taken to saying that when things were getting a bit hard for him.

Unfortunately, him respecting her boundaries just made her want to kiss him more. Isn't respect the sexiest thing?

She sighed, moving off him and lying down on the bed. She reached for the hand on his side nearest to her, pulling it up to rest on the pillow underneath her head.

"Are you staying over tonight?"

"It's a school night."

He was silent for a second. "So are you staying over tonight?"

Eleonora laughed in response. "No, I've gotta go home."

"Stay for dinner then?"

Eleonora nodded, rolling over and resting her head on his chest.

"I'll drive you home later then."

"Can we get ice cream on the way?"

Edoardo laughed. "Of course."

She grinned. "Five stars for you."

He rolled his eyes, leaning over to kiss her temple.

"Come on, let's go make dinner." He patted her thigh before getting up from the bed. Eleonora watched him go, not getting up from the bed to follow him just yet.

He paused in the doorway before bending down to pick something up from underneath the bedside table. "I forgot to show you, look what I found."

He held out his hand to show Eleonora what he was holding, and her face lit up at the sight of the polaroid camera.

"Oh, cool!"

He held the camera with both hands, looking down at it for a second before looking up at her again. "I was thinking I might put some up on the wall."

She smiled, feeling a surge of affection for him. "You're a dork."

He grinned, stepping closer to her. "Yeah? How about I take one of you and keep it in my wallet?"

She laughed. "Definitely a dork."

He rested his knee on the edge of the bed, holding the camera up to his eye. "Come on, smile for me then."

Eleonora shook her head, bringing one hand one to cover her face. "No, stop it." She'd be a lot more convincing if she wasn't laughing.

A flash alerted her to the fact that he wasn't giving up, and she peeked through her fingers to look at him as the camera ejected the film. "You're wasting photos."

Another flash. "Never wasted on you."

She moved her hands from her face, sitting up. God, he was such a dork. Such an adorable dork. "Enough."

He shook his head. "Come on, one more."

Eleonora sighed, but she was smiling. "Fine. One more."

He moved closer, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Come here."

She tried not to laugh at how adorably excited he was, shifting closer to him and obediently smiling at the camera. He leant in to kiss her cheek, the flash going off as he took the picture. He captured the film as the camera ejected it, placing it and the other two photos in his bedside table drawer and closing it.

"I read you're meant to put them in the dark" he explained with a shrug.

"I thought you were meant to keep them warm too, this girl I used to know used to put them in her armpit."

Edoardo laughed, "yeah I'm not doing that."

Eleonora laughed too, leaning forward to kiss him.

She really just wanted to kiss him. Can you consider kissing a hobby? Because kissing him was her favourite hobby.

He kissed her back for a second, before moving his lips to her cheek and kissing her twice there in quick succession.

"Come on, dinner."

He pulled her to her feet, holding her hand and leading her out of the room.

Afternoon NapsWhere stories live. Discover now