MILES ~ Ordinary People

Start from the beginning

But I think we should take it slow”

Mom was crying by the end of the song, and dad looked a little misty eyed too. “That was beautiful!” Mom sniffed. She hugged Dizzy and leaned down to give me one as well. Dad walked up and gave us both a pat on the back. His silence held as much admiration and pride as mom’s tears. I knew how proud my parents were, but it still felt good to see it expressed. Especially when you’re going through.

“What’s on your mind, big bro?” Dizzy asked, sitting next to me on the piano bench.

“What I’m dealing with is too real for me to comment on.” I smirked.

“Whatever you say Kanye.” He laughed. “Why is it every time I come here lately, you seem to be here too?”

“Maybe you just come home too much.” Dad just happened to walk through the room when I said this. I guess he couldn’t help but comment on it.

“You got that right! Both of you.” He smiled as he went on into the den to watch TV.

"Is everything okay? I mean, between you and Naomi." He asked after a moment of silence. I was shocked that he'd actually used her name and not one if his usual nicknames. I chose not to point that out though.

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. It's just that you've been here almost as much as I have lately. Is there a reason you don't want to go home?" I forgot sometimes how insightful Dizzy could be.

"Nothing you need to worry about little brother." I smiled. "Let’s just say that when you finally find a woman to love, it won't always feel as good as in the beginning."

"Oh, I'm not worried about that." He laughed. "I got ninety nine problems, but a..."

"Dizzy!" My mom yelled causing him to jump and me to laugh. We both turned around to see her standing in the doorway.

"Ma'am?" In that moment, he looked like a little kid again.

"I am not your maid and you don't live here anymore. If you want your clothes washed, you better her in there and do it yourself." She fused.

“But I can’t do it like you can, mama.” He whined. He really did know how to lay it on thick.

“Well, you better learn or get one of those little girls to do it, because I’m not the one.” She said, folding her arms across her chest. Dizzy pouted and mom sighed. “I’ll do it this time, but I’m not your maid.”

“Thanks mama.” He smiled.

“Big baby!” I laughed once mom walked out of the room.

“Don’t hate! You’re just jealous that you don’t have it like me.” I couldn’t argue with that, so I didn’t even try to.

“Yeah, I guess I am hating just a little.”

“Try a lot.” He laughed. “Besides, you have a wife at home to wash your clothes. Which brings be back to my original question; is everything okay?”

“It’s all good, D, just got a lot on my mind.”

It was almost ten when I finally left my parents’ house to go home. I helped mom clean up the kitchen and played a few games of dominoes with dad and Dizzy, but it got to the point where it was time to go. I stopped at a bar and got a couple drinks. I had a fully stocked bar at home, but I wanted to procrastinate a little longer. I just didn’t want to have a fight on my hands. I was tired of fighting. Either Naomi wouldn’t be home, and I’d be upset, or she would be and she’d start an argument. I wouldn’t mind so much fighting if we could get to the making up, but I was being to wonder if we’d ever make it to that point.

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