Chapter 1: The Jack-In-The-Box | Part 2

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You can choose what you would rather be from one of them.

Yumi's POV
"So...would you like to tell me more about, what you saw, Yumi?", Paris asked. ,,W-what do you mean?". "I'd like to know, how the room looked like.". "Oh...! The-the room l-looked like it was for two children...b-because one side o-of the room was pink, while the o-other one blue. There was also a purple flower on the windowsill furnitures had big scratches and dents in my dream.". "I see. Something else?". ,,N-no...atleast not what I don't remember..." "Alright. Yumi?". "Y-yeah?". ,,Are you still scared?". "Um...ah...yes...". "You don't need to worry. I will be there too.". "I-i know..". "You should get some rest. Tonight will be a very long night.". "O-okay.". I said and went upstairs to my room. I laid in my bed, trying to fall asleep. But...the Idea of seeing that toy again kept me from sleeping.

•Soon Nora and Atsuko returned home and it already got dark outside. Paris was sitting in his Puppet form right next to Yumi's bed. Yumi gave up to sleep after a while and just sat on here bed.•

"It's time. We should probably head out now.", Paris said. "Okay". I held Paris in my arms while I sneaked down, in case Nora or Atsuko would notice us. When I was outside, Lily was already standing there with a dark green coat on. I slowly put Paris carefully on the ground. He transformed to his bigger form. After that we started to search for the house. We were walking slowly in the moonlight. But  it was a bit strange. Nobody said anything, not even Lily. Maybe I should try to remembered anything in my dream again, to see if I forgot something. "There was the room...the box...and...the shadow...", I muttered. "Wait, the shadow!". "Did you say something?", Paris asked. "". "Alright.". Should I tell him about the shadow? Is it even important? I think I should. "Hey, Paris-". "I think we've arrived.". "Wait in this old house?!", Lily yelled. "Yes.". "How do you want to know it's the right one?!". "Please, lower your voice. It's in the middle of night.". "You still haven't answered me!". Paris started to point on a window above us. A puprple flower was on that windowsill. Lily looked confused, but then said. "Ya know what? I don't care anymore! Let's just go inside.". She then walked towards the door. But then...
"The...the door is open...", Lily said. "Well, better for us. I really didn't wanted to damage the door.". We then just went inside. The apartment was entirely dark. Not even one single light was on and there were big scratches everywhere. There was one door brightly open with the biggest scratches. "Well shall we?". As we entered the room we could see a big, black box standing in the middle of the room. My heart started to beat faster again. "Tha-That's the box from my dream!". "Well, I hoped for a bit of a better challenge. Guess this will end soon.". But then the box opened and the big, scary clown came out. "Oh, you wanted to show yourself now?". Paris was just about to attack, but stopped as the clown showed what he held in his hand. It was little, crying boy! "Please! Help me!", that boy screamed. This clown put one of his claws infront of the boy, signaled that if we came any closer he would slice the little boy up. Paris stepped back with an angry look on his face. What should we do? If we get any closer , he would kill the boy. But if we stay away the boy's time will run out. It seemed hopeless, because the clown keeped on staring at us. Making it impossible to move. But a quick shadow was suddenly behind the clown. I saw a little light and then something sliced his arms off. The boy escaped and ran out of the room and shadow disappears too. Paris sliced the rest of the clown in peaces and we then went out of the room. It was already morning. As we walked out we heard to voices behind us saying: "Thank you so much!". We turned around and saw two children. One of them was the little boy we rescued from that Jack-In-The-Box and the other child was a little girl. I glanced at Paris, who probably saw the same as me. The little girl was holding a small         [P/M/D]. It has white skin, red cheeks as well as red colored lips, a red bow on the black dress, black shoes, black hair and her closed eyes were black too.


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"Wow...were'd you got that toy from, kiddo?",Lily asked. "". The girl seemed like she really didn't wanted to answer. " don't have to tell me, if you don't want to..",Lily said and smiled. Then she slowly stood up. "Would you give us a moment? I need to talk to our friend here.", she said and pointed at Paris. "O-okay..!". ,,Dude! That [P/M/D] almost looks like you! It's gotta be one your creator made!". "That could be true...". "It's just not 'could'! It is!". "And what do you suppose, I should do? Even though it looks alike me, doesn't seem like that girl would just let me slice that [P/M/D] right in front of her eyes up.". "How do you wanna know?". Paris started to point at the girl, that is hugging the [P/M/D]. "Seems like you're right...". "What do you think, Yumi?", Paris asked me. "U-um...maybe...". I feel the same aura around that [P/M/D] as Paris. Maybe it's a good one, like him too. "...Um...we...we maybe should...wait...". "But Yumi! That thing could kill that little girl!". "Y-yes, but it could also be Paris...". " 'Good'?!". "I agree, we could wait and see what will happen. Because I never saw that [P/M/D] before.". "So?". "Means it could not be made by my creator.". "What?!". " wait?". "Certainly.". "Ugh! Fine!". Lily turned around again and looked at the girl. "So we'll leave now.". "W-will you come visit?". "Of course we will!". "Btw. What's your name, kiddo?". "Oh, my name is..Alice. Alice Phantom. And this is my twin brother. Alex.". She pointed at the little boy. "H-hi.". "Well. I'm Lily, this is Yumi and this one's Paris.". Both Alice and Alex looked a bit scared as they saw Paris. "Oh! Don't worry! He won't do anything to you.". "O-okay..". "But we gotta leave now, see ya!". "B-bye!", the Phantom Twins said, then closed the door. We went back home. But Paris looked like he was thinking about something...I wonder what it was...

[End of Chapter one|(Part 2)]

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