Whe I wake again it's morning and I head downstair for breakfast. "Morning sweetie. Today your going hiking with Vlad while your father and I get some R and R." My eyes widen and I glare at Vlad before ploping down and picking at my food. An hour later he comes to my room and clears his throat. "Change of plans, I'm taking you to a lake nearby, your leg is still healing and I'm not up for carrying you back." I role my eyes and huff before grabing my bag and following him out. We walk for about forty five minutes before finding a beautiful place.

I sit down and sigh as he sit a foot away. "I'm sorry for last night little badger. There are some things you don't know and I don't want you involved. I am a dangerous man okay?" "Yeah, I kinda got that everytime you beat me and then broke my leg." I grumble and look towards the water. "Daniel I did not want those things to happen. I'm not like you, my other side is...ugh-" he was reaching for me before he curls the other way and whisp of blue smoke flies from both our mouths. I jump up and transform looking around, knowing someone else is here.

I look back down at Vlad and he's breathless as he backs away a bit more. "Little Badger I can't control it. Please, go..." he looks up and his eyes swirl with a red tint. I see the slight shadow pass by and blast towards it. "I don't know what you are but stop being a coward and face me!" Vlad stands and backs away but is stopped by an invisible force. Finally a black figure flickers and appears near him. "Hello, again Daniel, been a while, huh?" I give a confused look then my eyes widen. "What the hell are you going here, should you be terrorizing some kids or something?" She laughs and whisps of smoke flow around Vlad, who takes on a dazed look. "Well, this is much more fun. Teens today are so flippant with their emotions it's exhausting. But Vlad here. Oh I've had my claws in him for years." She raises a hand and Vlad's follows like a pool uppet. "I mean sure his sadness and anger were understandable, your father caused that accident and he never got to fight for the love of his life. But I was the one the molded it to fit his ghost side. Just a whisper here or there, nightmares in his sleep, why Vlad is my biggest source of energy!" She laughs and then sneers at me. "And what better way of revenge than the man who you looled up to. Who you, grew fond of and looked at with adoration? Becuase honestly, did you really believe that he became like this on his own" she snickers and I fly back when he transforms. I snarl at her as she manipulates him into firing at me. "Your a bitch, you know that. You ruined his life! He could have eventually been happy again if it weren't for you!" I shout and blast at her but Vlad blocks it and flies backwards.

I flinch and pause long enough that he hits me with a shock of electricity. I gasp and cry out. Falling to the ground. "What's the point of all this? Make us fight to the death?" She looks at me, tilting her head and smiling. "That would be nice, but you won't really fight him. You're too good. And killing you won't accomplish anything because I want you to suffer." I narrow my eyes and she begins to grin. "Then maybe we should change things up. Fighting won't break you but maybe another form of assault will." She thrust her hand out and Vlad jumps on me, forcing me to the ground. He flips me on my back and wraps an ectorope around my wrists behind my back. He grabs my suit and rips it down the back, tearing it into and ripping on pants leg off.

I look at Spectra in confusion and she laughs. "Well, well. Seems you don't understand whats going on. See, instead of having him fight you, since you dying would be too easy, I'm going to have him take away ypu innocence. You'll never be able to look at him again after he rapes you." She laughs manically and my eyes widen. I look a Vlad and shiver at the dead look in his eyes. "Vlad please, don't do this. I know you don't want this just stop it." Helooks down at me and frown before backhanding me and unzipping his own clothes.

I look arou d wildly but don't see anything to help. I take in a deep breath when I feel his cock t I uch my ass. I begin to struggle but more ropes tie me down and I feel him put pressure on my hole. There's resistance for a moment and then a searing pain. I cry out and my head falls to the ground. "Ah, V-Vlad pl-please...stop." I feel the tears but black smoke continues to come from Spectra, which is controlling him. I feel myself turn back and tilt my head to look at Vlad. "Vlad...please...I-I don't want this...please froot loop." He stops and looks at me.

Vlad twitches before a confused look comes over his face. "Little badger...ugh!!!" He grunts in pain and grabs his head and more smoke surrounds us. "Oh no, your not busting to the surface now. I want this finished." She says and Vlad shakes his head before sneering at me and grabbing my hips shoving into me harder. I cry out and squeeze my eyes crosed. "I'm going to make sure you can't stand each other." She cackles as Vlad grabs my arms and angles deeper. I feel my sheek heat with shame at the slight pleasure mixed in with the constant throbbing pain.

After a while his hips begin to stutter in their thrusts and I flinch at the warth filling me. He flides out and the ropes disappear, Spectra kneels in front of me and fake pouts and reaches for my face but I flinch back and she laughs. "Oh isn't this grant. Let's see how well Mister hero and save the day when he can no longer touch others." She disappears and I sniff and look towards Vlad. He seems dazed and shifts back Once all the smoke dissipates Vlad looks at me and begins to shake. "I-I'm..." he stand and steps back. Part of me wants to fly far away and never see him again and the other part, the part that secretly liked him when I first met him...that aprts wants to beg him not to leave me.

I wiggle my pants up and move to stand before collapsing in pain. "Vlad, please...I-I can't walk." He lools like hes going to bolt but picks me up with shaking hands and begins the trek back to his place. Vlad is quiet and won't look at me, his face is pales and I can feel him shaking. I open my mouth multiple times to speak but can't find the words so I close it. We make it to the mansion and he fazes and flies up to my room before setting me gently on the bed. He freezes for a second and I waych the enotions wash over him in waves. "Vlad-" he flinches and changes before turning invisible and leaving the room.

I lay back and silently cry for a while before he sudenly fazes back into the room. "I'm so sorry little badger. I never wayed this to happen and now...i don't know how to get rid of her and I cant hurt you again." I gulp and sit up sniffing. "I know it wasn't you. You may be a froot loop but your not lile that. I'll talk to clockwork and see if he can help. I think if we can get you away from her for a while where she can't find you, you can get better. And when I see that bitch again I'll make sure she never hurts another again." He nods but still won't look at me. "Vlad, it wasn't your fault. I promise. We can work through this." I say smiling sadly.

Over the course oc working to help him he continued to beat himself up and only really began working through it after I made a certain wish with a certain ghost genie. Once he got better we both sat down with mom and dad and explained things, only after making aure they didn't have any weapons. They made up and Vlad became a part of the family, though he still had his froot loop moments and we moved on from thay night, happy.

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