Chapter 1: Where are we?

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2nd person POV

You were awoken by the sound of what seemed to be rustling plastic, along with a bouncing movement and what felt to be the impact of something in a separate bag. You tried to get up, but found you couldn't move your body much, nor change back into your humanoid form due to the limited space. Next thing you knew, the bag had been thrown somewhere, and the rancid smell of garbage filled your nose. "Good riddance to that dusty old thing. Such a shame nobody wanted it." You heard a faint voice saying, seeming to get further away. 'wait, where am I?! Where's Ivan?! Where's Paris?!' These questions quickly entered your head as you frantically attempted to find a way out of the bag.  

Meanwhile, over with Paris and Yumi (3rd person)

Paris was sitting on the couch, examining his empty hand and muttering to himself. "Hey, Paris?" Yumi called his attention, and he immediately lowered his hand. "Good evening, Yumi. did you rest well?" He responded with his own question as Yumi entered the room, rubbing her eyes. "Yeah, and Did your creator ever make a doll with a magnet in her hand? looks kind of like you, but, (H/C) hair in a bun?" Paris' eyes shot open for a moment, before he closed them and chuckled. "I'd almost forgotten about her. I suppose that's what happens when you are separated from someone for so long." He said,  and sat himself upright on the couch. "let me guess: tormenting a little kid in one of the nearby houses?" He asked sarcastically, earning a glare from Yumi. "Actually, She's the one going through a problem this time. She was never sold off, so she ended up in the dumpster." Upon hearing this, the smirk fell away from Paris' face, and he stood with a groan. "I should have known she'd end up in a pickle without me... she was always one to have problems defending herself." "What do you mean?" Yumi followed after Paris as he got up and headed towards the door.

 "The doll you saw was my partner a long while ago, and the reason for the magnet in her hand was so that I'd be able to find her in dark areas," He grabbed a cloak off the coat rack, and Yumi followed in suit. "I never enjoyed dragging her around, but our dear creator said it was necessary for stopping his other creations. Truth be told, I'm sure if he'd just given me the handbasket she used, I would have been fine on my own." He continued, pulling up the hood. "Now can you describe the area around her? I'd rather she be found before sent off with the rest of the garbage, or another one of those things finds her." He finished, and headed for the back window. "Wait, I'm pretty sure I could take you there. You'd just need to go into your smaller form." Yumi stopped him right before he could leave the building, earning a scowl. "Th-The reason being, It's the middle of the day, and I just-" She stammered. Paris sighed, and gave her a calm smile. "You think it'd be easier for me not to get caught this way, don't you?" He asked, receiving a small nod from Yumi. "Forgive me for startling you, Yumi. I'd just been caught up in the moment. And now that I think about it," A cloud of smoke rose around him, fading to reveal the much smaller puppet version of him standing in front of Yumi. "That would seem to be the smarter option." Paris finished, giving Yumi another smile and receiving a shy smile in return as the sweet albino girl picked him up. 

"well, lead the way, Yumi." And the girl set out carrying him along with her to find yet another lost toy.

Chaos requires Balance (Paris the puppet x puppet!reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz