Chapter 2- Awaking

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As he looked at Izuku he grabbed his hand and helped Izuku stand up, Izuku was scared for his life it was too dark now as the night went on so he couldn't see who was helping him out, "Let's go" the unknown person said as he started to run making Izuku run with him, Izuku heart was racing with fear but he was glad that someone was going to keep him safe, as they ran they can hear an ear piercing scream and stomping this made both of them start to run faster


They were both in the 1A classroom both of them panting messes as they hide, Izuku looked up to whoever helped him out...a villain...Dabi...Izuku was shocked at this and now he wanted to know why he would help someone like him "you need to kill that nomu" Dabi said "w-what?! I can't I don't have a quirk!" Izuku whispered yelled "Yes you do Izuku and a very strong one, but you just haven't awakened it yet because you haven't drink yet," Dabi said this made Izuku's eyes widen he was so confused

On what this person was telling him "drink what?" Izuku said as he heard the stomping come closer making Izuku scared for his life "Blood" Dabi said, "what?!" Izuku yelled "why can't you killed the nomu," Izuku said as the nomu runs throw the window making Izuku scream a little and Dabi cuts his hand drinking his blood knowing Izuku will not drink on his own as Dabi kept his blood in his mouth trying not to throw up by the taste, the nomu looked at Izuku like it was food, the nomu ran at Izuku as Dabi leaps and pushing both of them to the other side of the classroom as the nomu slams into the black wall, Dabi was on top of Izuku making

This the time where he forces him to drink, Dabi grabs Izukku's chin forcing his mouth to open up, Izuku didn't know what Dabi was doing but it scared him a little, Dabi leans down slamming his lips against Izuku's lips, Izuku's eyes widen as he felt the warm iron tasting liquid going down is throat, Dabi holds Izuku trembling body tight making Izuku close his eyes letting the blood go down his throat, Izuku started to feel different as blood drips down his cheek

Dabi pulls away as Izuku opens his eyes, Dabi wipes the blood off of Izuku's face "Izuku I need you to kill" Dabi said as he looks at the nomu that was closing in on them, Izuku was frozen has his breathing stopped...Izuku's dark green eyes slowly turn in a bright glowing green, Green lighting starting shooting around Izuku body as he slowly stands up

Looking at the nomu like it was now food... 

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