Well Then

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Bill/Will:*checking ask or dare*

Will:*looks at Bill sadly* d-do they hate us?

Bill: Pfffft they better not!

Will:*looking at comment section* but th-there's no c-comments, n-not even negative ones

Bill: probably because this was a stupid idea in the first place!

Will:*tearing up now* I-I ' s-s-sorry

Bill:ah! N-no! Don't cry! Just-- UGH! LOOK HERE!! *shoves head through forth wall* ask and dare us! I'm getting impatient and this is upsetting Will for some dumb reason! If you don't I'll fucking destroy your bloodline

Will:*sniffles* please...

Bill:anyways, bye meatsacks!

Will:*waves with smol sad boy smile*

Ask Or Dare Will And Bill Cipher  Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt