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Three Weeks later

As Training went on I found it harder to Avoid people, It wasn't my fault it was the fact everyone came up to me wether I liked it or not. It didn't help that everyone seemed to need help with everything, even Eren needed help. We Were in the middle of ODM Training when I Noticed Eren wasn't able to slice the foam napes deep enough. He Kept second guessing himself and not pushing though which is why he's not getting deep enough. I thought nothing of it and kept training looking back at him getting frustrated, I wanted to help him, I really did, but I wasn't ready to break the deal I had set with myself when I first got here. Keep your distance, you know you'll get hurt. I returned to the ground as training was now over, I took off my gear and headed back to the mess hall to grab some food before heading to my bunk to read so I dont have to interact with anyone.

I  was in the middle of reading my book in my corner bunk with barley any light when a group of girls came in.
"yeah but have you ever seen her face? she's quiet and its weird," One said as she sat on a bunk on the other side of the room.
"Out of everyone in our group (f/n) is the only one who hasn't made any friends, I mean Armin tries talking to her but she just ignores him. Flat out rude if you ask me, I mean get a grip your not better than the rest of us, an if she keeps going on the way she's going she's going to be the first one killed," another said. I jumped off my bunk with my hood still covering my face and left the room, they all looked at me shocked as I walked out the door slamming it behind me. I guess I left out one tiny detail, I keep my face covered up from the other cadets, only Armin, Eren and Mikasa have seen my face. I never once thought that I was better than anyone here, If they knew my reasons they wouldn't have said a word. I dont know why but that last comment really angered me.

I left the Cabin angered and went to my thinking spot, I was still in my uniform as I wasn't bothered to change earlier. when I got to my spot I sat down took my hood down and rested my head in my knees, it was on a hills top overlooking a meadow with a moonlit lake below me. I kept thinking about that last comment, I dont know why it bothered me but it did. Suddenly I herd a twig snap, I quickly stood up and pulled my hood back over my face. I turned around to find it was only Eren,
"oh its only you," I said and sat back down relieved, I dont know why but I was happy it was Eren and not Armin or someone else.
"I overheard what those girls were saying and then I heard someone storm out, so I came to see if you were alright," He said and sat down next to me.

"I'm fine," I said quietly, even with my hood up I could feel him staring at me, "just thinking."
"Why do you always hide your face?" he asked me, I tensed up at the question knowing yet not knowing the answer to his question.
"it's just easier this way..." I trailed on, Knowing he didn't like my answer.
"(f/n) come on, Whats the point in hiding your identity its not like anyone is out to get you, I mean most of us dont even know your last name. I'm pretty sure the only one who does is Armin, you haven't made an effort in getting to know anyone I mean like I know what you've been through and all but its no excuse-"
"You know what I've been through? You know what I of all people have been through?! Lets get one thing straight Eren, you know Nothing about me and you never will, Ask Armin all you want but not even he knows much about me. Yeah you saw some shit back in Shigansina But I can tell you now I Saw much worse! You're lucky you still have Family left, You have Armin Mikasa and everyone back in that cabin, I have no one! Not a single soul that actually cares about me! I have no one but myself to look out for me, and I'm not going to bring myself back into something and get myself broken again alright?! So nobody sees my face, who cares? Its not like my face means anything! When you've gone through all the shit I've been through in my life time come and talk to me, but until then stay the hell away from me Jager!" I screamed at him, I didn't even realise but there was tears running down my face. I got up and started walking back to the cabin when something grabbed my arm. It was Eren

-Erens P.O.V-

She was crying, She was broken, she couldn't cope anymore. Why did I say that to her? I dont know what I was thinking, I was out of line, why am I here? Why cant I just let her go? What should I do? How Do I help her? All these questions kept circling around in my mind, questions I didn't know the answer to, I'm an idiot. When she looked up at me I could see her whole face, I could see her (e/c) Watery eyes, her (h/c) hair that fell just under her shoulders and I could see how beautiful she looks again, like that night on the porch. I wish she knew that she does have people that look out for her, even if she doesn't want them to. As she got up and tried to run back to the cabin I grabbed her arm,
"Let me go Jager!" she shouted at me, and once again I had a clear view of the tears streaming down her face, I didn't know what to do so I just pulled her into a hug. She tried to pull away as I held her under the moonlight and whispered an 'I'm sorry'. She eventually wrapped her arms around my waist and sniffled into my chest. We stood in the middle of nowhere in particular, with nothing but the sound of crickets and the dim light of the moon surrounding us.

It had gotten late so we decided to head back to the Cabin, the walk home was a quiet one, it wasn't an awkward silence but more of a comfortable one. When we reached the cabin (y/n) went straight into the girls bunks without saying a word, I guess I deserved it, I should have just let her be when she stormed off, but I just couldn't. I dont know why but I couldn't stop myself even though I had a feeling I would just mess things up anyway. I climbed into my bunk and waited for the darkness to fill my vision.

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