"Whatever. Just know that I'm always here for you and I'll always be." Chaeyoung sighed in defeat and turned the other way, heading in the auditorium again.

"So, are you friends with them or what?" I shouted from a distance and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"They're nice, I guess." she mumbled as I made my way to the rooftop.

The rooftop was the place I visited when I needed for some time to myself. Viewing the town from up high makes me relax and clears my head. Even if when I don't have school, I always sneak in and sit there.

"Shit, it's cold." I groaned as I sat on the edge, my feet dangling from the rooftop. "At least no one is here." I spoke to myself, zipping up my jacket and putting my hands in it's pockets. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath in, the words the sherrif spoke of last week playing on repeat inside my head:

"Please excuse yourself and keep an eye out for my men, we will be watching you and your whole gang."

"We will be watching you and your whole gang."

"We will be watching you."

"We will be watching your whole gang."

"Keep an eye out for my men."

"My men."

"Keep an eye out."

My head was spinning and my heart was beating loudly. It didn't help that I had caught numerous amount of people following me around the whole week. The only place I could go and not be watched was my parents' store, where I usually found Nayeon hanging around too.

At least I had her. Nayeon.

I couldn't lose both my friends and Nayeon because of the sherrif's little games. And what's his problem anyway? We only did some graffiti.

Either way, I couldn't sacrife my friends' well-being and decided to play along with the sherrif. I had come to the conclusion that being distant was the best option, that's why I haven't been to school for so long.

At least I had her. Nayeon.

The girl was funnier than I thought. I guess it takes her a while to open up to people, or get used to actually talking to them.

We had grown really close and even wrote letters to each other.

Of course I didn't tell her about her father's behaviour. I don't think I ever will. I mean, he's probably going to get bored of playing around and stop trying to scare me, right?


Searching in my jacket's pockets, I take out a letter that was just this morning delieved to my house. Opening it, my smile grew big. It was obviously from Nayeon, the only person who sent letter to my adress.

"For my lovely friend Jeongyeon,

How are you doing today? I hope your studies are going alright!

I'm just this morning writting this letter and expecting you to have also received it today.

So, as I told you in our last meeting, my father has been really busy with work and my mother is travelling to Seoul in order to visit my grandparents and I thought it would've been a great idea to finally spend some time at my house instead of the store."

I audibly gasped. Nayeon was too confident all of a sudden.

"Please do not get the wrong idea. I have lately been a little sick and was restricted from going out by my assisant, Shawn."

Okay..she has an assisant?

"I took the risk to ask for his permission and not my parents', since they are really strict. Long story short, he agreed and asked for your adress so he can pick you up today at 5:00.

I hope the time is okay for you. I figured that because today is Friday, you could spent some more time at my house and not worry about school work. I do not want to push your studies back.

If you could come that would be really amazing. I have so much fun around you and can never wait for our next meeting.

I'm looking forward to seeing you,

Your friend,

Im Nayeon."

Folding the paper I laughed out loud. I couldn't help but to find her efforts of hanging out with me as much as she can, despite her parents being strict and not letting her go out the house, cute. I, too, enjoy her company and love how clueless she is of all the ways of having fun or socializing in general.

"See you tonight..." I smiled and glanced up at the sky, forgetting for a while about the sherrif's weird games.


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