Evan yelped as Anthony suddenly appeared in front of him and reached over to stroke his ear. A zing of pleasure shot through him to his horror and he felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Anthony leered at him, a mischievous smirk on his face as he stroke his ear again. It was all Evan could do to prevent what he was sure to be an embarrassing sound from escaping him as pleasure shot through him. Glaring at Anthony, he tried to push the other away even as he willed himself to calm down. The two of them had been dancing around their attraction for each other for awhile now, ever since they both came of age to be exact. Yet, neither of them had been willing to make the first move, a thing that Evan knew would change tonight if he did not quickly escape the situation with a logical reason. He was not ready for that yet, or so he keeps telling himself.

"Well, I think it is about time to sleep. Maybe this is just a dream, yea?..." Evan mumbled his face going redder by second, feeling uneasy under the intense stare, feeling like the room had gotten a few degrees hotter than before. Anthony made no attempt to move and simply stared at him, his face mixed with different feelings. He licked his lips and Evan shivered as he felt those eyes observe him as if he was prey, with that thought in his head he retreated to his bedroom to escape.

Evan closed his room's door with a sigh, only to yelp when he felt somebody nuzzle his neck. Whirling around, he stumbled against the door when he saw Anthony there behind him.'How did he get here before me?' Evan thought in alarm just as Anthony shuffled closer in. "H-hey! What has gotten int-" before he could complete his sentence, Anthony had leaned in to sniff his neck once more and Evan had to resist the urge to moan when he felt the other's hot breath against his sensitive skin at his neck. "Hey!" Evan gasped as he tried to wrestle himself away from Anthony.

Anthony gulped as he push his face into his best friend's neck, inhaling the delicious scent that underlay Evan's musk. His throat felt unerringly dry, and he thirsted for something. Using his whole body, he pinned Evan against the door and found it surprisingly easy despite Evan's pushing. His hands landed on the other's wrists, pinning it to the door with just some effort as he ducked back down to take another deep breath full of the Evan's scent.

Evan gasped as he felt Anthony's hot breath on his neck. It was suddenly a few degrees hotter before and he grinded his teeth trying to suppress the feeling of pleasure that was starting to consume him, his blood rushing south. 'Ok, this is really bad,' Evan thought desperately. If Anthony pressed in just a little more, he would certainly be able to feel his growing hard on and would probably be prompted to do some things then, things Evan was not ready for since he has yet to figure out the mystery of their new appendages, much less the reason for the strange air between them right now.

"But Evan, it's really late now, can't I stay over?" Anthony whispered into the other's ear, grinning when he felt Evan shudder under him. Humming unconsciously, he buried his nose into the arch of the other's neck, feeling unusually excited at the feel of a pulse.

"Didn't you say you have to wake up early tomorrow for something so you have to return home?" Evan protested. However, he got no answer from the other who seemed too fascinated by his neck for comfort. Just then, a realisation hit him out of the blue and he made a greater effort to get the other off him. Anthony now had glowing red eyes, maybe he is now a vampire. After all, he himself had dog ears and maybe a tail that he didn't know of since he have yet to sit down, pointing to the fact that he might be a werewolf. He should probably give more thought to that but first, he had to make sure he isn't eaten by this goddamn vampire.

"Anthony! Get a hold of yourself!" Evan demanded, but Anthony simply brushed Evan's struggling attempt off and started to sniff Evan's neck with no restrain. It was the first time Anthony saw Evan actually react in panic, his expressions vulnerable to him. And he like it, a lot.

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