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being woken up early on a saturday was not the ideal start to your weekend. the dream you were having was ultimately interrupted by loud knocking on your door. it took you a second to adjust to your surroundings, blinking wearily before the knocking started up again.

cursing under your breath, you threw your comforter off of you, trudging over to your door before very swiftly swinging it open. on the other side stood a grinning kaminari, already clad in casual clothing.

"what are you doing, kaminari?" you hissed, your bedhead causing the blonde great amusement. he let out a chuckle and flashed a few dollar bills at you.

"i'm buying you coffee, remember?" he reminded you, causing you to look at the clock. you almost couldn't believe it. it was five in the morning! you didn't even get up this early for school!

"it's five in the fucking morning, you asshole!" you retorted, a bit louder this time. however, you disappeared for a few moments, reappearing with a pair of slippers and a jacket. still scowling, you walked outside and shut the door, making sure you heard the click as it automatically locked.

"i know it's early, but we get to watch the sunrise!" kaminari reassured you, pointing towards the lightening sky. the dark blue of night was beginning to appear more orange, signaling that the sun was about to rise above the horizon.

"do you usually wake up this early?" you asked the blonde beside you, rubbing your arms as you shivered in the cold morning air. with a nod, kaminari gave you a cheerful "yup!" in response as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"you're mad." you said, raising a brow at your classmate.

"positively bonkers, yeah?" kaminari responded in a mock english accent. it was one of the dumbest jokes you'd ever heard, but failed to hide the chuckle that came out of your mouth. kaminari seemed to light up at this, his ego inflating by the minute.

"i can't believe i just laughed at that..." you exasperated, scolding yourself. you took your messy hair and tied it up into an equally messy ponytail, keeping your bangs out of your face.

"i can, you kinda set yourself up for that one." kaminari complimented himself, placing his hand over his heart and grinning cheekily at you. with a smirk, you lightly shoved his shoulder, mumbling about how much of a dumbass he was before shoving your hands into your pockets.

"remind me why you got up so early?" you asked, changing the subject. kaminari laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck before responding.

"to be honest, i was too excited." he confessed. you raised a brow as if to ask him what he meant by that.

"i've never had a friend go with me to get a coffee." kaminari said, grinning bashfully at you. you narrowed your eyes at him for a moment, unsure of what he was playing at.

"who said we're friends?" you said, unable to keep your poker face for long before a teasing grin took over your features.

"quite bold of you to say, considering you're here with me at five fifteen." kaminari responded, sending you a cocky wink as he held open the door to the café for you.

you scoffed, but walked through it anyway, thanking him under your breath as you both stepped inside. the cashier seemed to recognize kaminari right away, their face erupting into a smile.

"kaminari! hey!" she greeted, waving cheerfully at your classmate. she was pretty, with dewey blue skin and long blonde hair. her ears resembled that of a fish's fin, spikes protruding from them.

"hey!" kaminari responded, walking quickly up to the counter. you followed, staying silent as to not interrupt their conversation. you noted that she smelled vaguely of seawater, the scent bringing back childhood memories of the beach.

"are you (last)?" the girl asked you, causing your eyes to widen momentarily in both shock and confusion.

"...yeah, why?" you asked, a bit wary considering you had never seen this girl before in your life. her face lit up, letting out a short laugh before grinning at you.

"i'm lagune," she introduced herself, placing her hands on her hips. "and kaminari never shuts up about you." she said, earning a laugh from you.

"i've mentioned her once!" kaminari defended himself, shouting at lagune. she rolled her eyes, unfazed by his outburst.

"anyway," she said, turning back towards you. "you're a pretty cool chick, let's hang out sometime." she said confidently, causing you to raise your brows.

"erm... sure." you hesitated, smiling politely at lagune.

"so what can i get you guys?" she asked, grabbing a cup and a marker. kaminari went first, stating his order as lagune wrote it down.

"i'm so sorry about her." kaminari apologized to you, taking a sip of his drink as the two of you began walking back onto yuuei's campus. you had watched the sunrise together, it was beautiful.

"she's cool, i like her." you said, taking a sip of your own drink as you listened to the birds chirping overhead.

"do you really?" kaminari asked you, raising a brow.

"yes." you stated flatly, defending both lagune and your position. her personality reminded you of ashido; confident and bubbly.

"alright, alright, whatever you say." kaminari responded, brushing off your attitude. a few seconds passed by in silence before he spoke again.

"have you seen the flowers? aren't they pretty?" he asked, pointing towards a few of the spring flowers that had sprung up on the lawn. you followed his finger, looking at the rainbow of colors that freckled the area.

"yeah, they are pretty. my favorites are the red ones." you said, gesturing towards the poppies. kaminari nodded, agreeing.

"i personally like those yellow ones." he said, referring to the dandelions.

"you know those are weeds, right?" you said, chuckling a bit. kaminari seemed embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck as he laughed along with you.

"yeah, 'course i did. it's just that yellow's my favorite color." he said.

"i believe you."

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